Trimmed estimator

In statistics, a trimmed estimator is an estimator derived from another estimator by excluding some of the extreme values, a process called truncation. This is generally done to obtain a more robust statistic, and the extreme values are considered outliers.[1] Trimmed estimators also often have higher efficiency for mixture distributions, and heavy-tailed distributions than the corresponding untrimmed estimator, at the cost of lower efficiency for other distributions, such as the normal distribution.

Given an estimator, the x% trimmed version is obtained by discarding the x% lowest or highest observations or on both end: it is a statistic on the middle of the data. For instance, the 5% trimmed mean is obtained by taking the mean of the 5% to 95% range. In some cases a trimmed estimator discards a fixed number of points (such as maximum and minimum) instead of a percentage.

  1. ^ Kaltenbach, Hans-Michael (2012). A concise guide to statistics. Heidelberg: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-23502-3. OCLC 763157853.