Troubadour style

Pierre-Henri Révoil, René d'Anjou and Palamède de Forbin, c. 1827, a typically inconsequential anecdotal scene, in this case commissioned by a descendant of Forbin, whose features conveniently were recorded on a relief.

Taking its name from medieval troubadours, the Troubadour Style (French: Style troubadour) is a rather derisive term,[1] in English usually applied to French historical painting of the early 19th century with idealised depictions of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In French it also refers to the equivalent architectural styles. It can be seen as an aspect of Romanticism and a reaction against Neoclassicism, which was coming to an end at the end of the Consulate, and became particularly associated with Josephine Bonaparte and Caroline Ferdinande Louise, duchesse de Berry. In architecture the style was an exuberant French equivalent to the Gothic Revival of the Germanic and Anglophone countries. The style related to contemporary developments in French literature, and music, but the term is usually restricted to painting and architecture.[2]

  1. ^ Havard, Henri, La Hollande pittoresque, Vol. 2 of Les frontières menacées: Voyage dans les provinces de Frise, Groningue, Drenthe, Overyssel, Gueldre et Limbourg, 1876, Plon, google books
  2. ^ Palmer