Trull (cards)

The Trull from an Austrian Tarock Type C pack: Pagat, Mond, Sküs
The Trull from an Austrian Tarock Type A pack: Pagat, Mond, Sküs

The trull is a trio of three special trump cards used in tarock games in Austria and other countries that have a much higher card value than the other trumps. The individual cards are known as trull cards (Trullstücke). The word trull is derived from the French tous les trois which means "all three".

In spite of its French roots the term is not common in the game of French tarot, where the trull cards are called les bouts ("butts", "ends") or, in earlier times, les oudlers, which has no other meaning. In German, they were initially called matadors, a word borrowed from the game (with ordinary cards) of Ombre.