Trupele de Carabinieri

Moldovan Carabinier Troops
Trupele de Carabinieri
Agency overview
Formed12 December 1991
Jurisdictional structure
National agency
(Operations jurisdiction)
Republic of Moldova
Operations jurisdictionRepublic of Moldova
Legal jurisdictionAs per operations jurisdiction
General nature
Operational structure
Agency executives
  • Colonel Ștefan Pavlov, General Commandant of the General Inspectorate of Carabinieri
  • Colonel Oleg Graur, Deputy Commandant
A patrol car from the Moldovan Carabinieri

The Trupele de Carabinieri (Carabinier Troops in English) is the national gendarmerie force of the Republic of Moldova, under the administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova. The Moldovan Carabinieri are to ensure, together with the police or independently, public order, protection of rights and freedoms of citizens, owners' properties and prevention of violations of the law. The structure of the agency is based on the Italian Carabinieri, where it gets its name.

The Department of Carabineer Troops has 5 Military Units and some 2,000 soldiers working on a contract basis or on time.