Tuning mechanisms for stringed instruments

Violin pegbox, retouched image
Medieval bone tuning pin. One end is pierced for the string; the other is squared off to fit in a tuning lever socket. The middle section, which would pass through the wood, is tapered.

A variety of methods are used to tune different stringed instruments. Most change the pitch produced when the string is played by adjusting the tension of the strings.

A tuning peg in a pegbox is perhaps the most common system. A peg has a grip or knob on it to allow it to be turned. A tuning pin is a tuning peg with a detachable grip, called a tuning lever. The socket on the tuning lever fits over the pin and allows it to be turned. Tuning pins are used on instruments where there is no space for a knob on each string, such as pianos and harps.

Turning the peg or pin tightens or loosens the string. Some tuning pegs and pins are tapered, some threaded. Some tuning pegs are ornamented with shell, metal, or plastic inlays, beads (pips) or rings.

Other tuning systems include screw-and-lever tuners, geared tuners, and the konso friction tuning system (using braided leather rings).