Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet

Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet
Part of the aftermath of the Jasmine Revolution
The Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet visiting Vienna in March of 2016. From left to right Abdessattar Ben Moussa (Tunisian Human Rights League), Noureddhine Allege (Order of Lawyers), Houcine Abbassi (UGTT), Wided Bouchamaoui (UTICA).
DateFormed August 2013-January 2014
  • An end to the ongoing political violence
  • Imposition of an interim government
  • Ratification of the constitution
Resulted in
  • Technocratic government installed with Mehdi Jomaa as Acting Prime Minister.
  • New constitution ratified
  • Both presidential and legislative elections scheduled

The Troika in Power

Lead figures

Leaders in Government

Opposition Leaders Assassinated

  • Chokri Belaid † (Secretary-General of the Democratic Patriots' Movement)
  • Mohamed Brahmi † (Former General Coordinator of the People's Movement)

The Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet (Arabic: الرباعي التونسي للحوار الوطني‎, French: Quartet du dialogue national) is a group of four civil society organizations that were central mediators in the effort to consolidate democratic gains and form a lasting constitutional settlement in Tunisia following the unrest and historic regime change of the 2011 Jasmine Revolution.[1]

The quartet was formed in the summer of 2013 following a political crisis that halted the constitutional process.[1] As a result of the Quartet's success in bringing the Ennahda-led government to see negotiations through and producing a historic constitution, on 9 October 2015, the quartet was awarded the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.[2][3]

The National Dialogue Quartet comprises the following organizations in Tunisian civil society:[4]

  1. ^ Melvin, Don (9 October 2015). "Boost for Arab Spring: Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet wins Nobel Peace Prize". CNN. Retrieved 9 October 2015.
  2. ^ "Announcement - The Nobel Peace Prize for 2015". 9 October 2015. Archived from the original on 22 December 2015.
  3. ^ "The Nobel Peace Prize 2015". Nobelprize.org. 9 October 2015.
  4. ^ "The Nobel Peace Prize 2015 - Press Release". Nobelprize.org. 9 October 2015.