Tunisian naturalization issue

Tunisian naturalization issue
Part of the Tunisian national movement
Delegation led by Habib Bourguiba to protest after the attempted burial of a naturalized French citizen in Monastir
DateDecember 31, 1932 – August 7, 1933
Caused byRefusal to bury the French naturalized Muslims in Muslim cemeteries.
MethodsCemetery blockades
Press campaign
Resulted inCreation of special cemeteries
Reviving Tunisian nationalism
Decrease of naturalization requests
Lead figures

François Manceron

Many Naturalized French
Casualties and losses
Many injured
Many injured
1 Dead

The Tunisian naturalization issue was a protest movement against French and Tunisian laws that eased access to French citizenship in 1933, during the French protectorate of Tunisia. It was active in preventing the burial of Muslim Tunisians who had adopted French nationality in Muslim cemeteries. These riots revived the Tunisian national movement, which had been weakened after the 1926-28 repression.