Turkey Blocks

Turkey Blocks

Turkey Blocks (also known as TurkeyBlocks.org) is an independent digital research organization that monitors internet access restrictions and their relation to political incidents in Turkey.[1][2] Using its network of monitoring probes, the project has uncovered and documented systematic mass-censorship of communications infrastructure, primarily social media services, during national emergencies and incidents of political significance relating to human rights, freedom of expression and public policy in the region.

Describing its activities as non-partisan and impartial, the group does not conduct advocacy directly, instead coordinating with non-profits including international advocacy group Access Now and Turkey's Alternative Informatics Association to help raise public awareness surrounding the human, economic and political cost of internet shutdowns in Turkey.[3]

  1. ^ "Social media access restricted in Turkey -internet monitoring groups". Reuters. 2016-07-15. Retrieved 2016-10-18.
  2. ^ Chaykowski, Kathleen. "Facebook, Twitter Access Hampered In Turkey As Military Attempts Coup". Forbes. Retrieved 2016-10-18.
  3. ^ "Access Now Grants: our year in review and changes ahead - Access Now". Access Now. 2016-08-31. Retrieved 2016-10-18.