
DeveloperTurkix community
Written inC++, Python
OS familyLinux (Unix-like)
Working stateDiscontinued
Source modelOpen-source software
Final release3.0 / January 7, 2005
Final preview10.0 Alpha / March 17, 2005
Marketing targetPersonal computers
Available inTurkish, Azerbaijani, English
Update methodurpmi (rpmdrake)
Package managerRPM Package Manager
PlatformsIA-32, x86-64
Kernel typeMonolithic kernel
user interface
KDE Plasma Desktop
LicenseGNU GPL v2
Support status

Turkix was a live Linux distribution, capable of self-installing on hard disk using a graphical wizard. The main goal of Turkix was to provide a very user-friendly Linux environment. Turkix was based on the Mandriva distribution. In visual style Turkix was similar to Windows XP.

First two releases of Turkix (1.0 and 1.9) were in Turkish and Azerbaijani only, but later releases had more language support, especially English.

Latest stable release of Turkix was 3.0, and the last unstable release was 10.0 Alpha. At this point the project was aborted.