Ugolino di Nerio

St. John the Baptist, National Museum in Poznań, Poland
Virgin and Child, 1315–1320, Sienne. Notice the Pseudo-Kufic inscriptions on the veil of the Virgin.

Ugolino di Nerio (1280? – 1349) was an Italian painter active in his native city of Siena and in Florence between the years 1317 and 1327.

Daniel the Prophet, c. 1325, Ugolino di Nerio, pinnacle from an altarpiece, tempera and tooled gold on panel (Philadelphia Museum of Art)

He was a follower of Duccio di Buoninsegna, from whose Maestà some of his scenes are clearly derived. He was a leading master who contributed to the spread of Sienese painting in Florence by earning commissions to paint in the two main basilicas there, Santa Maria Novella and Santa Croce.[1]

  1. ^ Dillian Gordon. "Ugolino di Nerio." Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 2 May. 2016