Ukrainians in Serbia

Ukrainians in Serbia
Українці в Сербії
Украјинци у Србији
Ukraine Serbia
Total population
  • 3,969 Serbian citizens (2022)[1]
  • ~5,698–22,709 Ukrainian citizens (2022 est.)[2][3]
Regions with significant populations
Belgrade and Vojvodina
Ukrainian and Serbian
Eastern Orthodox and Greek Catholic
Related ethnic groups
Ukrainian diaspora, Pannonian Rusyns, Russians in Serbia, Belarusians in Serbia, Serbs and other Slavic people

Ukrainians in Serbia (Serbian: Украјинци у Србији, romanizedUkrajinci u Srbiji, Ukrainian: Українці в Сербії) refers to a Ukrainian ethnic minority in Serbia. They are officially recognized as an independent and full-fledged national minority, which is represented through the National Council of the Ukrainian National Minority.[4] They mostly live in the region of Vojvodina, in the areas of Bačka and Syrmia. They speak Ukrainian and use Ukrainian Cyrillic script. According to the 2011 census, 4,903 members of the Ukrainian minority live in Serbia, which is 0.07% of the total population.[5] The most important cultural and educational organization of Ukrainians in Serbia is the Society for Ukrainian Language, Literature and Culture "Prosveta" (Prosvita).[6]

The Ukrainian national community in Serbia (in addition to ethnic Ukrainians in the narrow sense) also includes the pro-Ukrainian part of the Rusyns,[7] who declare themselves as Rusyns-Ukrainians, and who are gathered around the Alliance of Rusyns-Ukrainians of Serbia.[8] The mentioned Rusyn-Ukrainians, who are considered to be the Rusyn branch of the Ukrainian people, should not be confused with the ethnic Rusyns, who declare themselves to be members of a separate Rusyn ethnicity.[9][10]

The realization of the minority rights of the Ukrainian community in Serbia is a special area of mutual cooperation within the relations between Serbia and Ukraine.[11]

  1. ^ "Jedna nacija utrostručila broj u Srbiji prema popisu, većina drugih u padu". N1. 29 April 2023. Retrieved 29 April 2023.
  2. ^ ""SPREMNI SMO DA PRIMIMO MNOGO VIŠE LJUDI" U Srbiji prijavljeno 6.000 Ukrajinaca". (in Serbian). Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  3. ^ "Srbiju naselilo Rusa koliko Kragujevac ima stanovnika Od početka rata u Ukrajini ljudi traže spas kod nas: Broj izbeglica raste svakog dana". (in Serbian). 8 December 2022. Retrieved 11 December 2022.
  4. ^ "Nacionalni savet ukrajinske nacionalne manjine". Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  5. ^ Попис становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. у Републици Србији 2011 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Serbia
  6. ^ Sagan, G. (2016). "Establishment and activities of the Society of the Ukrainian language, literature and culture of Vojvodina (Serbia)". Cherkasy University Bulletin: Historical Sciences (in Ukrainian) (3–4). ISSN 2076-5908.
  7. ^ "Украјинско-русинска заједница у Републици Србији | Амбасада Украјине у Републици Србији". 2021-06-02. Archived from the original on 2021-06-02. Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  8. ^ "pocatok". Retrieved 2022-05-08.
  9. ^ Subotić 2018, pp. 45–70.
  10. ^ Руске слово (2020): Очуванє власного идентитета Руснацох
  11. ^ Амбасада Украјине у Републици Србији: Сарадња