Uncaged (anthology)

Cover of Uncaged: Volume I with art by Samantha Darcy.

  • Uncaged: Volume I
  • Uncaged: Volume II
  • Uncaged: Volume III
  • Uncaged: Volume IV
  • Uncaged: Goddesses

Edited byAshley Warren
CountryUnited States
PublisherDungeon Masters Guild
Published2019 - 2022
Media typeDigital, Print on demand
No. of books5

Uncaged is an adventure anthology series for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Each volume contains various adventures which feature the subversion of classic female mythological creature and monster tropes. The project was created by Ashley Warren and features the work of over 100 writers, illustrators, and editors.

Four collections, titled Uncaged: Volume I through Uncaged: Volume IV, were published in 2019 and 2020. A fifth volume, titled Uncaged: Goddesses, was published in 2022. The books were published on the Dungeon Masters Guild (DMs Guild) under the open game license; they are not considered "official" Dungeons & Dragons material.