Unfinished portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Unfinished portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Detail of the unfinished portrait
ArtistElizabeth Shoumatoff
YearApril 1945 (April 1945)

The unfinished portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt is a watercolor of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States, by Elizabeth Shoumatoff. Shoumatoff was commissioned to paint a portrait of Roosevelt and started her work around noon on April 12, 1945. At lunch, Roosevelt complained of a headache and subsequently collapsed. The president, who had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, died later that day.

Shoumatoff never finished the portrait, but she later painted a new, largely identical one, based on memory. The unfinished portrait hangs at Roosevelt's retreat, the Little White House, in Warm Springs, Georgia, with its finished counterpart beside it.