United States v. Hubbard

1978 grand jury indictment

United States v. Hubbard was a 1978 criminal court case charging Mary Sue Hubbard and several other members of the Church of Scientology with violations of various laws including:

U.S.C. 18 §§ 2 (Aiding and Abetting), 371 (Conspiracy), 641 (Theft of Govt Property), 1503 (Obstruction of Justice), 1623 (False Declarations before a Grand Jury), and 2511(1)(a) (Interception of Oral Communication). Also included was 22 D.C. Code §§ 105, 1801(b) (Burglary, Aiding and Abetting).[1]

All eleven defendants were found guilty and sentenced to both fines and imprisonment. The convictions were upheld on appeal.[2]

  1. ^ Grand jury document filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, filed in open court, August 15, 1968. Available at http://lisatrust.freewinds.be/legal/snowwhite/docs.htm
  2. ^ United States v. Heldt, 668 F.2d 1238 (United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit October 2, 1981).