University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus

Komaba I campus in Autumn

The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus is one of the three main Tokyo campuses of the University of Tokyo. It is divided into two sections; Komaba I and II. The former is home to the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science, and their affiliated graduate school (the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences respectively). The latter does not offer undergraduate programmes and is mainly used by the Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)[1] and the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS).[2]

After matriculating at UTokyo, all undergraduates begin their academic journey at Komaba I, which encompasses the first one and a half years of their degrees.

Approximately 10 per cent of students opt to continue their education at Komaba beyond the junior division, matriculating at either the College of Arts and Sciences or the Department of Mathematics.

  1. ^ "RCAST website".
  2. ^ "IIS website".