Urban area of Vietnam

Urban areas in Vietnam include cities, district-level town, and commune-level town officially recognized by state authorities of Vietnam. While districts and communes are generally rural, some may be classified as urban if they meet certain conditions. Communes set to be upgraded to towns can also be recognized as type V urban areas. Vietnam's cities are classified into six types: special, type I to type V. Special, type I, and type II cities are approved by the prime minister; type III and IV cities by the Ministry of Construction; and type V by the provincial government. The classification process is overseen by the National Assembly's Standing Committee.[1]

  1. ^ "Đô thị loại I, II, III, IV, V và đô thị loại đặc biệt tại Việt Nam". thuvienphapluat.vn (in Vietnamese). April 21, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)