@@30@@ $$logic-stub$$ $$mathlogic-stub$$ 30 /category:[^\]] logic\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] arguments\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] logic books\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Buddhist logic\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] critical thinking\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] deductive theories\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] dichotomies\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] history of logic\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] latin logical phrases\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] laws of thought\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] arguments\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] lemmas\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Logic Portal\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Logic conferences\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Logic families\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Logic to do\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Logical fallacies\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Logicians\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Mathematical logic\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Mathematics\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Metalogic\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Non-classical logic\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Philosophical logic\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Logic puzzles\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Relevance fallacies\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Rules of inference\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Supertasks\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Systems of set theory\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Theorems\W/ 30 /category:[^\]] Traditional logic\W/ 30 /category:(\w+\s){0,3}logi(c|cal)/ 30 /\Wcritical\sthinking/ 30 /\Wabductive\sreasoning/ 30 /\WAlfred\sNorth\sWhitehead/ 30 /\WAlonzo\sChurch/ 30 /\Wantinom/ 30 /\Wargumentation\stheory/ 30 /\Waxiomatic\ssystem/ 30 /\WBertrand\sRussell/ 30 /\Wboole/ 30 /\Wclassical\slogic/ 30 /\WDavid\sHilbert/ 30 /\Wdeductive\sreasoning/ 30 /\Wdeductive\ssystem/ 30 /\Wdeontic\slogic/ 30 /\Wdialetheism/ 30 /\Wdoxastic\slogic/ 30 /\Wepistemic\slogic/ 30 /\Wfictionalism/ 30 /\Wfinitism/ 30 /\Wfirst-order\slogic/ 30 /\Wfirst\sorder\slogic/ 30 /\W1st\sorder\slogic/ 30 /\Wformal\slanguage/ 30 /\Wformal\slogic/ 30 /\Wformal\sproof/ 30 /\Wformal\ssemantics/ 30 /\Wformal\ssystem/ 30 /\Wformalism/ 30 /\Wfuzzy\slogic/ 30 /\WGentzen/ 30 /\WGeorg\sCantor/ 30 /\WGödel/ 30 /\WHilary\sPutnam/ 30 /\Winductive\sreasoning/ 30 /\Winformal\slogic/ 30 /\Wintuitionism/ 30 /\Wintuitionistic\slogic/ 30 /\Wlinear\slogic/ 30 /\Wlogical\satomism/ 30 /\Wlogical\sconnective/ 30 /\Wlogical\sconsequence/ 30 /\Wlogicism/ 30 /\Wmathematical\slogic/ 30 /\Wmetalogic/ 30 /\Wmodal\slogic/ 30 /\Wmodal\soperator/ 30 /\Wmodel\stheory/ 30 /\Wnominalism/ 30 /\Wnon-monotonic\slogic/ 30 /\Wnon\smonotonic\slogic/ 30 /\Wparaconsistent\slogic/ 30 /\Wphilosophical\slogic/ 30 /\Wphilosophy\sof\slogic/ 30 /\Wplatonic\srealism/ 30 /\Wpeano/ 30 /\Wpredicate\scalculus/ 30 /\Wpredicate\slogic/ 30 /\Wproof\stheory/ 30 /\Wpropositional\scalculus/ 30 /\Wpropositional\slogic/ 30 /\Wquantification/ 30 /\Wquantifier/ 30 /\Wquine/ 30 /\Wrelevance\slogic/ 30 /\WRudolf\sCarnap/ 30 /\Wrule\sof\sinference/ 30 /\Wrules\sof\sinference/ 30 /\Wkripke/ 30 /\Wsecond-order\slogic/ 30 /\Wsecond\sorder\slogic/ 30 /\W2nd\sorder\slogic/ 30 /\Wset\stheory/ 30 /\Wskolem/ 30 /\Wsyllogism/ 30 /\Wtarski/ 30 /\Wtemporal\slogic/ 30 /\Wterm\slogic/ 30 /\WAlan\sTuring/ 30 /\Wtruth\stable/ 30 /\Wtype\stheory/ 30 /\Wwell-formed\sformula/ 30 /\Wwell\sformed\sformula/ 30 /\Wwff/ 30 /\Wqed\W/ 30 /\Wq\.e\.d\.\W/ 30 /\Wlogic(-\w+){0,2}-stub\}\}/ 30 /\Wcontinuum\shypothesis/ 15 /\Wtheorem/ 15 /\Waxiom/ 10 /\Wdecidab/ 10 /\Wcomputab/ 10 /\Wsatisfiab/ 10 /\Wparadox/ 10 /\Wfallac/ 10 /\Wcompleteness\W/ 10 /\Wcardinal\snumber/ 10 /\Wsoundness/ 10 /\Wcogen/ 10 /\Wmodal/ 10 /\Wsemantic\W/ 10 /\Wsynta/ 5 /\Wformalis/ 5 /\Wnominalis/ 5 /\Wfictionalis/ 5 /\Wconstructivis/ 5 /\Wfinitis/ 5 /\Wtheory/ 5 /lemma/ 5 /logic/ 5 /\Wlaw\sof/ 5 /\Wprinciple\sof/ 5 /\Waristot/ 2 /\Wdeducti/ 2 /Winterpret/ 4 /\Wrecurs/ 4 /\Wproposition/ 4 /\Winfer/ 4 /\Winducti/ 2 /consisten/ 4 /contradict/ 4 /deriv/ 1 /prov/, /improve/, /provinc[ei]/ 1 /proof/ 2 /\Wconsequen/ 2 /\Wentail/ 2 /\Wargu/ 1 /\Wsystem/ 1 /\Wbelie/ 1 /reason/ 1 /rational/ 1 /formal/, /dress/, /attire/ 1 /analy/ 1 /math/ 1 /\Wgramma/, /grammar\sschool/ 1 /\Wrhetoric/ -30 /\Wspecies\W/ -30 /\Whuman gene\W/ -30 /\Wprotein\W/ -10 /\Wartist/ -10 /politic/ -10 /social/