
Article Association_of_Proletarian-Revolutionary_Authors matched rule revolution 10 points
Lead of the article Association_of_Proletarian-Revolutionary_Authors matched rule revolution 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Michinō_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Jim_Highsmith_Composition_Award matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Michael_Thomson_(footballer) matched rule election 10 points
Article Michael_Thomson_(footballer) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb Total 10 points

Article Honkawachi_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Nişancı_Ahmet_Pasha matched rule governor 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Primo_Multimedia matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Siri_liyanage matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Siri_liyanage matched rule political 50 points

Total 50 points

Article The_Voice_of_Free_Libya matched rule \Wuprising 10 points
Lead of the article The_Voice_of_Free_Libya matched rule \Wuprising 20 points

Total 20 points

Article John_Strong_(mariner) matched rule welfare 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Nishi-Urakami_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Zohal matched rule utopi 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Jack_Mitchell_(photographer) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Ōkusa_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Nick_Reilly matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Boršt_pri_Dvoru matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Boršt_pri_Dvoru matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Higashisono_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule governor 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule imperialis(t|m) 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule left(-|\s)wing 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule nationali(z|s) 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule republican 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule right(-|\s)wing 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule government\sof 10 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \Wrevolt 10 points
Lead of the article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \Wrevolt 20 points
Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \Wuprising 10 points

Total 140 points

Article Utsutsugawa_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Osman_Arpacıoğlu matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Hizen-Koga_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Kamalpuralam matched rule welfare 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Popular_Will matched rule \Wcentrist 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule election 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule electora 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule ideolog(y|i) 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Popular_Will matched rule political 50 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule political\spart(y|i) 10 points
Lead of the article Popular_Will matched rule political\spart(y|i) 20 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule politics 25 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule social(-|\s)democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule socialis(t|m) 10 points
Article Popular_Will matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\ssite Total 225 points

Article University_of_queensland_boat_club matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article University_of_queensland_boat_club matched rule governor 10 points
Article University_of_queensland_boat_club matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article University_of_queensland_boat_club matched rule president 10 points

Total 40 points

Article Ramat_Rachel_shooting_attack matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Ramat_Rachel_shooting_attack matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Comrade_Manuel matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Comrade_Manuel matched rule working\sclass 10 points
Lead of the article Comrade_Manuel matched rule working\sclass 20 points

Total 30 points

Article NIVIA matched rule confedera 10 points
Article NIVIA matched rule infrastructure 10 points
Article NIVIA matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb Total 20 points

Article Aleksandr_Gerngross matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Aleksandr_Gerngross matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Ichinuno_Station matched rule privati(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Imran_Zahid matched rule ideolog(y|i) 10 points
Article Imran_Zahid matched rule politician 25 points
Article Imran_Zahid matched rule politics 25 points
Article Imran_Zahid matched rule president 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Ahmed_Qetrani matched rule \Wuprising 10 points
Lead of the article Ahmed_Qetrani matched rule \Wuprising 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Ride_Snowboards matched rule election 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Radical_171 matched rule slavery 10 points
Lead of the article Radical_171 matched rule slavery 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Benguet_Provincial_Board matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Benguet_Provincial_Board matched rule election 10 points
Article Benguet_Provincial_Board matched rule electora 10 points
Article Benguet_Provincial_Board matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Benguet_Provincial_Board matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Benguet_Provincial_Board matched rule nationali(z|s) 10 points

Total 60 points

Article Teeple_Architects matched rule governor 10 points
Lead of the article Teeple_Architects matched rule governor 20 points
Article Teeple_Architects matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\ssite Total 20 points

Article Ron_Ryan matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Ron_Ryan matched rule president 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule minister 10 points
Lead of the article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule minister 20 points
Article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule political 50 points
Article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule politics 25 points
Article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule president 20 points

Total 115 points

Article Chong_Chi_Tat matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule politician 25 points
Article Grauman's_Chinese_Theatre_Foot_and_Handprint_Ceremonies matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb Total 25 points

Article NWA_Pro_Australia matched rule revolution 10 points
Article NWA_Pro_Australia matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Vibrant_India_Chicago matched rule economic\sdevelopment 10 points
Article Vibrant_India_Chicago matched rule working\sclass 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Shah_Abdul_Hamid matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Shah_Abdul_Hamid matched rule political 25 points
Article Shah_Abdul_Hamid matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes bank Total 35 points

Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule conservative 10 points
Lead of the article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule conservative 20 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule health\scare 10 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule libert 10 points
Lead of the article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule libert 20 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule libertarian 10 points
Lead of the article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule libertarian 20 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule political 25 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule politics 25 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule republican 10 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule republican\sparty 10 points
Article Intellectual_Takeout matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes ceo Total 190 points

Article Te-Pei_Feng matched rule election 10 points
Article Te-Pei_Feng matched rule political 25 points
Article Te-Pei_Feng matched rule president 10 points

Total 45 points

Article Kapilendradeva matched rule minister 10 points

Total 10 points

Article La_Pelegrina_pearl matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article La_Pelegrina_pearl matched rule communis(t|m) 20 points
Article La_Pelegrina_pearl matched rule revolution 10 points
Lead of the article La_Pelegrina_pearl matched rule revolution 20 points

Total 40 points

Article Hifyve matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule democratic\sparty 10 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule election 10 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule political 25 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule republican 10 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule republican\sparty 10 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule roosevelt 10 points
Article Raymond_T._Baker matched rule president 10 points

Total 105 points

Article Danmark_(ship) matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Lead of the article Danmark_(ship) matched rule ministr(i|y) 20 points

Total 20 points

Article List_of_mayors_of_San_Borja_District matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Netlotto matched rule election 10 points
Article Netlotto matched rule taxation 10 points
Article Netlotto matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\ssite Total 20 points

Article Ghulam_Ahmad_Faroghi matched rule minister 10 points
Article Ghulam_Ahmad_Faroghi matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule \Wracis(t|m) 10 points
Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule amnesty\sinternational 10 points
Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule conservative 10 points
Lead of the article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule conservative 20 points

Total 40 points

Article AiM_-_JB'd_And_Stuffed matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Ultrawired matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Louis_Molnar matched rule conservative 10 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule economic\sdevelopment 10 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule governor 10 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule infrastructure 10 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule libert 10 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule political 25 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Louis_Molnar matched rule politician 50 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule politics 25 points
Article Louis_Molnar matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Louis_Molnar matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes company Total 160 points

Article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule federal 20 points
Article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule government\sof 10 points
Lead of the article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule government\sof 20 points

Total 40 points

Article Cleveland_Touchdown_Club_Charities matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Cleveland_Touchdown_Club_Charities matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article List_of_the_Adamsonian_people matched rule governor 10 points
Article List_of_the_Adamsonian_people matched rule politics 25 points

Total 35 points

Article Hafiz_Mazhar_Husain matched rule judicia 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Kingsford_Legal_Centre matched rule discrimination 10 points

Total 10 points

Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule governor 10 points
Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule political 25 points
Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule politics 25 points
Article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wuprising 10 points
Lead of the article East_of_Elephant_Rock matched rule \Wuprising 20 points

Total 80 points

Article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Kumargram_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule political 50 points
Article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule politician 50 points
Article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule republican 10 points
Lead of the article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule republican 20 points
Article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule roosevelt 10 points
Lead of the article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule roosevelt 20 points
Article Frederic_E._Boothby matched rule politician-stub 50 points

Total 190 points

Article Clark_Middleton matched rule election 10 points

Total 10 points

Article David_E._Oprava matched rule political 25 points
Article David_E._Oprava matched rule politics 25 points
Article David_E._Oprava matched rule \Wrevolt 10 points

Total 60 points

Article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Kalchini_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Falakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Wolseley_Town_Hall_and_Opera_House matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Wolseley_Town_Hall_and_Opera_House matched rule federal 20 points
Article Wolseley_Town_Hall_and_Opera_House matched rule government\sof 10 points
Lead of the article Wolseley_Town_Hall_and_Opera_House matched rule government\sof 20 points

Total 40 points

Article Dextra_Group matched rule infrastructure 10 points
Lead of the article Dextra_Group matched rule infrastructure 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Richard_Vedder matched rule conservative 10 points
Article Richard_Vedder matched rule libert 10 points
Article Richard_Vedder matched rule libertarian 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Verizon_Communications_Inc._v._FCC matched rule supreme\scourt 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Political_Advertising matched rule \Wronald\sreagan 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule election 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule governor 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Political_Advertising matched rule political 50 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule political\sspectrum 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule regulation 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule republican 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule right(-|\s)wing 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule president 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule george\sw\.\sbush 10 points
Article Political_Advertising matched rule george\sbush 10 points

Total 180 points

Article Curri matched rule politician 25 points

Total 25 points

Article List_of_Academic_All-America_Team_Members_of_the_Year matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article List_of_Academic_All-America_Team_Members_of_the_Year matched rule election 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Steve_Gong matched rule freedom\sof 10 points
Article Steve_Gong matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Steve_Gong matched rule president 20 points

Total 30 points

Article Marilyn_Berger matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Marilyn_Berger matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Frank_Edgar_Scobey matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Frank_Edgar_Scobey matched rule election 10 points
Article Frank_Edgar_Scobey matched rule republican 10 points
Article Frank_Edgar_Scobey matched rule republican\sparty 10 points
Article Frank_Edgar_Scobey matched rule president 10 points

Total 50 points

Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule \Wsenat 20 points
Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule democra(t|c) 20 points
Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule democratic\sparty 10 points
Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule democratic\sparty 20 points
Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule political 50 points
Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule politician 50 points
Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule politician-stub 50 points

Total 210 points

Article Congress_of_Zacatecas matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Zacatecas matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Zacatecas matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Zacatecas matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article matched rule election 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Congress_of_Tamaulipas matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Tamaulipas matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Tamaulipas matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Tamaulipas matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Congress_of_Quintana_Roo matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Quintana_Roo matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Quintana_Roo matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Quintana_Roo matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Lead of the article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule \Wsenat 20 points
Article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule democratic\sparty 10 points
Article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule election 20 points
Article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule politician 50 points
Article Nancy_Sullivan_(politician) matched rule politician-stub 50 points

Total 170 points

Article Congress_of_Puebla matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Puebla matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Puebla matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Puebla matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Congress_of_Oaxaca matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Oaxaca matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Oaxaca matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Oaxaca matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Gerald_Barry_(Irish_journalist) matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Gerald_Barry_(Irish_journalist) matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Gerald_Barry_(Irish_journalist) matched rule political 50 points
Article Gerald_Barry_(Irish_journalist) matched rule politics 25 points

Total 125 points

Article Congress_of_Michoacán matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Michoacán matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Michoacán matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Michoacán matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Michel_Roux-Spitz matched rule directorate 10 points
Article Michel_Roux-Spitz matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Congress_of_Guerrero matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Guerrero matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Guerrero matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Guerrero matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Clement_Flagler matched rule roosevelt 10 points
Article Clement_Flagler matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Clement_Flagler matched rule federal 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Congress_of_Coahuila matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Coahuila matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Coahuila matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Coahuila matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Congress_of_Chiapas matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Chiapas matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Chiapas matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Chiapas matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Congress_of_Baja_California matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Baja_California matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Baja_California matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Baja_California matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article 2011_in_France matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article 2011_in_France matched rule minister 10 points
Article 2011_in_France matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points
Article 2011_in_France matched rule president 10 points
Article 2011_in_France matched rule nicolas\ssark(o|ő|ö)zy 10 points

Total 50 points

Article Sand_Lane matched rule roosevelt 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Congress_of_Campeche matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Congress_of_Campeche matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Congress_of_Campeche matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Congress_of_Campeche matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Robert_J._Grant matched rule nationali(z|s) 10 points
Article Robert_J._Grant matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine_-_Crossroads_of_Time matched rule political 25 points
Article Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine_-_Crossroads_of_Time matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points

Total 35 points

Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule supreme\scourt 10 points
Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule federal 10 points
Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Alipurduar_II_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Assassination_City_Roller_Derby matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Submunicipalities_of_Amsterdam matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Submunicipalities_of_Amsterdam matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Submunicipalities_of_Amsterdam matched rule political 25 points
Article Submunicipalities_of_Amsterdam matched rule social\ssecurity 10 points
Article Submunicipalities_of_Amsterdam matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 105 points

Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule minister 10 points
Lead of the article Rosario_Fernández matched rule minister 20 points
Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Lead of the article Rosario_Fernández matched rule ministr(i|y) 20 points
Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Rosario_Fernández matched rule politician 50 points
Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points
Lead of the article Rosario_Fernández matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 20 points
Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Rosario_Fernández matched rule president 20 points
Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule politician-stub 50 points

Total 180 points

Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule federal\sgovernment 10 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule governor 10 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule health\scare 10 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule revolution 10 points
Lead of the article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule revolution 20 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule thomas\sjefferson 10 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule welfare 10 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule federal 10 points
Article Richard_F._Edlich matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes company Total 90 points

Article Geng_Yan matched rule governor 10 points
Lead of the article Geng_Yan matched rule governor 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Kaslik matched rule governor 10 points
Article Kaslik matched rule politics 25 points
Article Kaslik matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 45 points

Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule chicago\sschool 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Lenore_RS_Lim matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Lenore_RS_Lim matched rule president 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Doulos_Resources matched rule conservative 10 points
Article Doulos_Resources matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Doulos_Resources matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Unrechtsstaat matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Unrechtsstaat matched rule political 50 points

Total 50 points

Article Theodore_railway_station matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Theodore_railway_station matched rule federal 20 points
Article Theodore_railway_station matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule minister 10 points
Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\ssite Total 10 points

Article Western_gulf_advisory matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Western_gulf_advisory matched rule terroris(t|m) 20 points
Article Western_gulf_advisory matched rule federal 10 points

Total 30 points

Article F.J._Gillies matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article F.J._Gillies matched rule election 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule censorship 10 points
Lead of the article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule censorship 20 points
Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule communis(t|m) 20 points
Article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule nazis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Interpretation_of_Dreams_(film) matched rule nazis(t|m) 20 points

Total 60 points

Article Treaty_of_Turkeytown matched rule judicia 10 points
Article Treaty_of_Turkeytown matched rule statutory\slaw 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule electora 10 points
Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule governor 10 points
Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule political 25 points
Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule political\sright 10 points
Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule government\sof 10 points
Article Cologne_City_Hall matched rule \Wuprising 10 points

Total 95 points

Article Bolo_de_rolo matched rule legislat 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Barcelona_Moon_Team matched rule regulation 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule democratic\sparty 10 points
Article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule governor 10 points
Article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule judicia 10 points
Article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule political 25 points
Article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule supreme\scourt 10 points
Lead of the article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule supreme\scourt 20 points
Article Walter_L._Carpeneti matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 95 points

Article Hallin's_spheres matched rule human\srights 10 points
Article Hallin's_spheres matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Hallin's_spheres matched rule political 50 points
Article Hallin's_spheres matched rule slavery 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Tau_Gamma_Theta matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Lead of the article Tau_Gamma_Theta matched rule democra(t|c) 20 points
Article Tau_Gamma_Theta matched rule president 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Henry_T._Clarke,_Sr. matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Henry_T._Clarke,_Sr. matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Henry_T._Clarke,_Sr. matched rule politician 50 points
Article Henry_T._Clarke,_Sr. matched rule politician-stub 50 points

Total 110 points

Article Blaize_Bailey matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Christopher_The_Minister matched rule minister 10 points
Lead of the article Christopher_The_Minister matched rule minister 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Eryngium_cuneifolium matched rule federal 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Dextra_Manufacturing matched rule infrastructure 10 points
Lead of the article Dextra_Manufacturing matched rule infrastructure 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Noémie_Marin matched rule election 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Emanuel_Vidović matched rule election 10 points

Total 10 points

Article The_Traveler's_Gift matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article The_Traveler's_Gift matched rule election 20 points
Article The_Traveler's_Gift matched rule minimum\swage 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Totem_Bight_State_Historical_Park matched rule federal\sgovernment 10 points
Article Totem_Bight_State_Historical_Park matched rule federal 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Joseph_Dunn_(revolutionary) matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Fort_McMurray_Knights_RFC matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Fort_McMurray_Knights_RFC matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule revolution 10 points
Lead of the article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule revolution 20 points
Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wuprising 10 points
Lead of the article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wuprising 20 points

Total 50 points

Article Zaporizhzhia_city_association_of_artists_«Kolorit» matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Lead of the article Zaporizhzhia_city_association_of_artists_«Kolorit» matched rule democra(t|c) 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Birkenhead_Central_Library matched rule minister 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Dawid_Boois matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Dawid_Boois matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article Dawid_Boois matched rule election 20 points
Article Dawid_Boois matched rule electora 10 points
Lead of the article Dawid_Boois matched rule electora 20 points
Article Dawid_Boois matched rule governor 10 points
Lead of the article Dawid_Boois matched rule governor 20 points
Article Dawid_Boois matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Dawid_Boois matched rule politician 50 points
Article Dawid_Boois matched rule politician-stub 50 points

Total 210 points

Article Atlético_Rio_Negro_Clube_(RR) matched rule confedera 10 points
Article Atlético_Rio_Negro_Clube_(RR) matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule political 25 points
Article Harvest_Festival_(Parks_and_Recreation) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 35 points

Article Tricom,_S.A matched rule infrastructure 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Lead of the article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule democra(t|c) 20 points
Article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule democratic\sparty 10 points
Lead of the article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule democratic\sparty 20 points
Article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule election 20 points
Article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Kathleen_Hochul matched rule politician 50 points

Total 110 points

Article Sociedade_Esportiva_Nacional matched rule confedera 10 points
Article Sociedade_Esportiva_Nacional matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Lim_Pin matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Lim_Pin matched rule president 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Rock_It!_(Australian_TV_series) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Cordino_Esporte_Clube matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Eriogonum_pelinophilum matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Eriogonum_pelinophilum matched rule federal 20 points

Total 20 points

Article John_DeGruchy matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article John_DeGruchy matched rule president 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Santa_Quitéria_Futebol_Clube matched rule confedera 10 points
Article Santa_Quitéria_Futebol_Clube matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Edelstam_Prize matched rule human\srights 10 points
Lead of the article Edelstam_Prize matched rule human\srights 20 points
Article Edelstam_Prize matched rule president 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Graziadio_School_of_Business_and_Management_(Pepperdine) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Graziadio_School_of_Business_and_Management_(Pepperdine) matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes company Total 10 points

Article Ralph_Høibakk matched rule conscription 10 points
Article Ralph_Høibakk matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points

Total 20 points

Article GAIN_-_Global_Appraisal_of_Individual_Needs matched rule minister 10 points
Article GAIN_-_Global_Appraisal_of_Individual_Needs matched rule federal 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Americano_Futebol_Clube_(MA) matched rule confedera 10 points
Article Americano_Futebol_Clube_(MA) matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Daisy_Polk matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Stag_Kung_fu matched rule \Wrevolt 10 points
Lead of the article Stag_Kung_fu matched rule \Wrevolt 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Laya,_Guinea matched rule politics 25 points

Total 25 points

Article Esporte_Clube_São_João_da_Barra matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule election 10 points
Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule regulation 10 points
Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points
Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule thomas\sjefferson 10 points
Lead of the article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule thomas\sjefferson 20 points
Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule government\sof 10 points
Article Thomas_Jefferson_Star_for_Foreign_Service matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes company Total 80 points

Article County_manager_(United_States) matched rule political 25 points
Article County_manager_(United_States) matched rule political\spart(y|i) 10 points
Article County_manager_(United_States) matched rule politics 25 points
Article County_manager_(United_States) matched rule regulation 10 points
Article County_manager_(United_States) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Lead of the article County_manager_(United_States) matched rule \Wofficial 20 points

Total 90 points

Article Abuse_of_Power matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points
Article Abuse_of_Power matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Ely_High_School_for_Girls matched rule election 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Derek_George_Smyth matched rule regulation 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Aperibeense_Futebol_Clube matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article George_McAneny matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article George_McAneny matched rule president 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule \Wegalit 10 points
Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule collectivis(t|m) 10 points
Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule election 10 points
Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule free\strade 10 points
Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule globali(s|z) 10 points
Lead of the article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule globali(s|z) 20 points
Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule individualis(t|m) 10 points
Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule world\strade 10 points

Total 80 points

Article Guest_stars_on_Murdoch_Mysteries matched rule stephen\sharper 10 points
Lead of the article Guest_stars_on_Murdoch_Mysteries matched rule stephen\sharper 20 points

Total 20 points

Article August_of_Saxony matched rule electora 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Yarchen_Gar matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Yaşar matched rule politician 25 points

Total 25 points

Article Timeline_of_Sambalpur matched rule doctrine 10 points
Article Timeline_of_Sambalpur matched rule political 25 points
Article Timeline_of_Sambalpur matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 45 points

Article Marske_Pioneer matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article Marske_Pioneer matched rule federal 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Eva_Rorandelli matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Political_euphemism matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article Political_euphemism matched rule libert 10 points
Article Political_euphemism matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Political_euphemism matched rule political 50 points
Article Political_euphemism matched rule politics 25 points
Lead of the article Political_euphemism matched rule politics 50 points
Article Political_euphemism matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 130 points

Article Colette_(given_name) matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Lead of the article Colette_(given_name) matched rule \Wsenat 20 points
Article Colette_(given_name) matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Colette_(given_name) matched rule political 50 points
Article Colette_(given_name) matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Colette_(given_name) matched rule politician 50 points

Total 120 points

Article Chernock_Baronets matched rule parliament 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Holy_Family_Convent,_Jaffna matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article 2011_FC_Buffalo_season matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 10 points

Article De_Buyer matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Discover_Bank_v._Superior_Court matched rule supreme\scourt 10 points
Lead of the article Discover_Bank_v._Superior_Court matched rule supreme\scourt 20 points
Article Discover_Bank_v._Superior_Court matched rule \Wdissent 10 points
Article Discover_Bank_v._Superior_Court matched rule federal 10 points

Total 40 points

Article Francis_Fulton-Smith matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule federal 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule \Wsenat 20 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule doctrine 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule globali(s|z) 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule governor 10 points
Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule governor 20 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule human\srights 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule minister 10 points
Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule minister 20 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule national\sdefence 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule political 50 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule political\spart(y|i) 10 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule politician 25 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule politics 25 points
Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule president 20 points

Total 330 points

Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule Category:[^\]]*election 50 points
Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule conservative 10 points
Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule election 20 points
Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule green\sparty 10 points
Article High_Peak_Council_election,_1973 matched rule politician 25 points

Total 125 points

Article Abid_Surti matched rule environmentalis(t|m) 10 points
Article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Lead of the article Abid_Surti matched rule \Wofficial 20 points
Article Abid_Surti matched rule government\sof 10 points
Lead of the article Abid_Surti matched rule government\sof 20 points

Total 50 points

Article Coupletist matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Coupletist matched rule political 50 points

Total 50 points

Article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule conservative 10 points
Article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule election 20 points
Article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule minimum\swage 10 points
Article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule politics 25 points

Total 85 points

Article Yanonwa matched rule doctrine 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Glenford_Myers matched rule election 10 points
Article Glenford_Myers matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes company The rule is inhibited because article mathes ceo The rule is inhibited because article mathes board\sof\sdirectors Total 10 points

Article Erol_Avdović matched rule united\snations 10 points
Lead of the article Erol_Avdović matched rule united\snations 20 points
Article Erol_Avdović matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Erol_Avdović matched rule president 20 points
Article Erol_Avdović matched rule ban\ski-moon 10 points
Lead of the article Erol_Avdović matched rule ban\ski-moon 20 points
Article Erol_Avdović matched rule kofi\sann?an 10 points
Lead of the article Erol_Avdović matched rule kofi\sann?an 20 points

Total 80 points

Article Sir_Thomas_Proby,_1st_Baronet matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Sir_Thomas_Proby,_1st_Baronet matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Sir_Thomas_Proby,_1st_Baronet matched rule politician 50 points

Total 60 points

Article Forest_Inspectorate_of_Włocławek matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Article Forest_Inspectorate_of_Włocławek matched rule directorate 10 points
Lead of the article Forest_Inspectorate_of_Włocławek matched rule directorate 20 points

Total 30 points

Article Ministry_of_Environment,Forests_and_Water_Administration_(Albania) matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Lead of the article Ministry_of_Environment,Forests_and_Water_Administration_(Albania) matched rule ministr(i|y) 20 points

Total 20 points

Article DaruDar matched rule ideolog(y|i) 10 points
Lead of the article DaruDar matched rule ideolog(y|i) 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Andrew_McCallum matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Film_North_-_Huntsville_International_Film_Festival_(HIFF) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule minister 10 points
Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule \Wdissent 10 points
Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule president 10 points

Total 70 points

Article (Extra)ordinary_People matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Gabrielle_bellocq matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Nelukkulam_Kalaimagal_Maha_Vidyalayam matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article 2011_Six_Nations_Championship_fixtures matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Westport_Youth_Film_Festival matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\ssite

Article Westport_Youth_Film_Festival matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Technology_doping matched rule regulation 10 points
Lead of the article Technology_doping matched rule regulation 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Disability_Pride_Parade matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Central_Bureau_of_Narcotics matched rule minister 10 points
Article Central_Bureau_of_Narcotics matched rule federal 10 points
Article Central_Bureau_of_Narcotics matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 30 points

Article McCormick_Field_Raceway matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Guignard matched rule politician 25 points
Article Guignard matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 35 points

Article Industries_Mécaniques_Maghrébines matched rule \Wuprising 10 points

Total 10 points

Article St._Luke's_College_of_Health_Sciences matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb

Article St._Luke's_College_of_Health_Sciences matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Xhavid_Sheqyri_Demneri_Street matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Alipurduar_I_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article The_Waterloo_Chamber matched rule monarch(i|y) 10 points
Article The_Waterloo_Chamber matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes official\sweb Total 10 points

Article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Madarihat-Birpara_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Verónica_Vargas matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Nagrakata_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Matiali_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Angela_Williams_(politician) matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Angela_Williams_(politician) matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Angela_Williams_(politician) matched rule democratic\sparty 10 points
Article Angela_Williams_(politician) matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Angela_Williams_(politician) matched rule politician 25 points

Total 105 points

Article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Mal_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Zimron_Texeira matched rule election 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Rajganj_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Dhupguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Maynaguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 10 points
Lead of the article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule administrative\sdivision 20 points
Article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Lead of the article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule jurisdiction 20 points
Article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Jalpaiguri_(Community_development_block) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 70 points

Article KK_Borik-Puntamika matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article KK_Borik-Puntamika matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article KK_Borik-Puntamika matched rule president 20 points

Total 30 points

Article Rruga_xhavid_sheqyri_demneri matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Menzies_Government matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule conservative 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule election 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule electora 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule minister 10 points
Lead of the article Menzies_Government matched rule minister 20 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule monarch(i|y) 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Menzies_Government matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule politics 25 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule trade\sunion 10 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Menzies_Government matched rule federal 20 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule government\sof 10 points
Lead of the article Menzies_Government matched rule government\sof 20 points
Article Menzies_Government matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points
Lead of the article Menzies_Government matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 20 points

Total 275 points

Article Chinnaponnu matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Huda_al-Baan matched rule human\srights 10 points
Lead of the article Huda_al-Baan matched rule human\srights 20 points
Article Huda_al-Baan matched rule minister 10 points
Lead of the article Huda_al-Baan matched rule minister 20 points
Article Huda_al-Baan matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Huda_al-Baan matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Huda_al-Baan matched rule politician 50 points
Article Huda_al-Baan matched rule president 10 points
Article Huda_al-Baan matched rule politician-stub 50 points

Total 160 points

Article Batangas_Provincial_Board matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Batangas_Provincial_Board matched rule election 10 points
Article Batangas_Provincial_Board matched rule electora 10 points
Article Batangas_Provincial_Board matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Batangas_Provincial_Board matched rule legislat 20 points

Total 50 points

Article Guy_Lagneau matched rule minister 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Sonder-_und_Ehrenhaft matched rule fascis(t|m) 10 points
Article Sonder-_und_Ehrenhaft matched rule minister 10 points
Article Sonder-_und_Ehrenhaft matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Sonder-_und_Ehrenhaft matched rule political 50 points
Article Sonder-_und_Ehrenhaft matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points
Article Sonder-_und_Ehrenhaft matched rule joseph\sstalin 10 points

Total 90 points

Article Devil_Dogs_of_the_Air matched rule thomas\sjefferson 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Rochelle_Manning matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Rochelle_Manning matched rule terroris(t|m) 20 points

Total 20 points

Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule minister 10 points
Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 40 points

Article Syed_Ghulam_Shah_Abbasi_al-Hashmi matched rule \Wdecree 10 points
Lead of the article Syed_Ghulam_Shah_Abbasi_al-Hashmi matched rule \Wdecree 20 points
Article Syed_Ghulam_Shah_Abbasi_al-Hashmi matched rule peace\streaty 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Bill_Luxton matched rule election 10 points
Article Bill_Luxton matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Bill_Luxton matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Bill_Luxton matched rule politician 25 points
Article Bill_Luxton matched rule politics 25 points
Article Bill_Luxton matched rule sovereign 10 points
Article Bill_Luxton matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 100 points

Article 100%_Love matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Gureliai matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Anton_Lahdenperä matched rule third\sworld 10 points
Lead of the article Anton_Lahdenperä matched rule third\sworld 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Public_Organization matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Lead of the article Public_Organization matched rule ministr(i|y) 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Duncan_MacDonald matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Duncan_MacDonald matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Duncan_MacDonald matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Duncan_MacDonald matched rule politician 50 points

Total 70 points

Article The_works_of_Michael_Gorman matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article The_works_of_Michael_Gorman matched rule libert 10 points

Total 20 points

Article BUF_Songs matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article BUF_Songs matched rule fascis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article BUF_Songs matched rule fascis(t|m) 20 points
Article BUF_Songs matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article BUF_Songs matched rule political 50 points
Article BUF_Songs matched rule political\spart(y|i) 10 points
Lead of the article BUF_Songs matched rule political\spart(y|i) 20 points
Article BUF_Songs matched rule revolution 10 points
Article BUF_Songs matched rule slavery 10 points
Article BUF_Songs matched rule socialis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article BUF_Songs matched rule socialis(t|m) 20 points
Article BUF_Songs matched rule tyranny 10 points

Total 150 points

Article 2011_Solheim_Cup matched rule election 10 points
Article 2011_Solheim_Cup matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Ukraine_at_the_Paralympics matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Ukraine_at_the_Paralympics matched rule politician 25 points
Article Ukraine_at_the_Paralympics matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 45 points

Article Berbeda_dan_Merdeka_100% matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Lead of the article Berbeda_dan_Merdeka_100% matched rule democra(t|c) 20 points
Article Berbeda_dan_Merdeka_100% matched rule libert 10 points

Total 30 points

Article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Lead of the article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule ministr(i|y) 20 points
Article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule regulation 10 points
Lead of the article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule regulation 20 points
Article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule president 10 points
Lead of the article Netball_Federation_of_India matched rule president 20 points

Total 80 points

Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule conservative 10 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule election 10 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule political 25 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule politician 50 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule politics 25 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule republican 10 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule socialis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule socialis(t|m) 20 points
Article Lorenzo_Panepinto matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 170 points

Article Takahashi_Kousuke matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Rimkai matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Pension_regulation matched rule judicia 10 points
Article Pension_regulation matched rule jurisdiction 10 points
Article Pension_regulation matched rule regulation 10 points
Lead of the article Pension_regulation matched rule regulation 20 points

Total 40 points

Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Lu_Dingyi matched rule communis(t|m) 20 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule minister 10 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule political 25 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule politics 25 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule revolution 10 points
Lead of the article Lu_Dingyi matched rule revolution 20 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule socialis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Lu_Dingyi matched rule socialis(t|m) 20 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Lead of the article Lu_Dingyi matched rule \Wofficial 20 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule mao\szedong 10 points
Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule deng\sxiaoping 10 points

Total 170 points

Article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule parliament 20 points
Article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule political 25 points

Total 45 points

Article Pyeongchang_bid_for_the_2014_Winter_Olympics matched rule infrastructure 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Kulyalling,_Western_Australia matched rule electora 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Athena,_Assaulting_Anthem matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Holt_Government matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule election 10 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule electora 10 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule governor 10 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule minister 10 points
Lead of the article Holt_Government matched rule minister 20 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Holt_Government matched rule parliament 20 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule politics 25 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule referend 10 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Holt_Government matched rule federal 20 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule government\sof 10 points
Lead of the article Holt_Government matched rule government\sof 20 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points
Lead of the article Holt_Government matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 20 points
Article Holt_Government matched rule president 10 points

Total 245 points

Article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Sir_Thomas_Lee,_2nd_Baronet matched rule election 10 points
Article Sir_Thomas_Lee,_2nd_Baronet matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Sir_Thomas_Lee,_2nd_Baronet matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Sir_Thomas_Lee,_2nd_Baronet matched rule politician 50 points

Total 70 points

Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wdecree 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wsenat 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule censorship 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule conscription 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule conservative 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule dictator 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule election 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule fascis(t|m) 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule ideolog(y|i) 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule left(-|\s)wing 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule minister 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule nationali(z|s) 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule political 25 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule politician 25 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule politics 25 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule sovereign 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule state(-|\s)granted 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule vladimir\slenin 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule reshuffle 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wuprising 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points
Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule president 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes company

Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule joseph\sstalin 10 points

Total 325 points

Article Fuerdai matched rule socialis(t|m) 10 points
Article Fuerdai matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Sir_Thomas_Lee,_1st_Baronet matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Sir_Thomas_Lee,_1st_Baronet matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Sir_Thomas_Lee,_1st_Baronet matched rule politician 50 points

Total 60 points

Article Bloomsbury_EMB matched rule regulation 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Kensington_and_Chelsea_TMO matched rule regulation 10 points

Total 10 points

Article John_Quincy_(medical_writer) matched rule governor 10 points
Article John_Quincy_(medical_writer) matched rule \Wdissent 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Webber_Academy matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Webber_Academy matched rule politician 50 points

Total 50 points

Article Samanyolu_(song) matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Yokohama_City_University_College_of_Nursing matched rule president 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Alan_Whitehead_(disambiguation) matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article Alan_Whitehead_(disambiguation) matched rule parliament 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule election 20 points
Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule legislat 10 points
Lead of the article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule legislat 20 points
Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule minister 10 points
Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Lead of the article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule ministr(i|y) 20 points
Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule politician 50 points
Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule politics 25 points
Article Robertson_ministry_(1875–1877) matched rule self(-|\s)government 10 points

Total 165 points

Article Vikram_Dhillon matched rule \Wracis(t|m) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Tatoeba matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Amrit_Science_College matched rule decentrali(z|s) 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Bhagwati_charan_vohra matched rule republican 10 points
Article Bhagwati_charan_vohra matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Bhagwati_charan_vohra matched rule socialis(t|m) 10 points
Article Bhagwati_charan_vohra matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 40 points

Article Axel_Haig matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Axel_Haig matched rule government\sof 10 points

Total 20 points

Article George_Seton,_6th_Lord_Seton matched rule parliament 10 points
Lead of the article George_Seton,_6th_Lord_Seton matched rule parliament 20 points

Total 20 points

Article 2009–2010_Netball_Superleague_Season matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Victims_of_Acts_of_Terror_Memorial matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Lead of the article Victims_of_Acts_of_Terror_Memorial matched rule ministr(i|y) 20 points
Article Victims_of_Acts_of_Terror_Memorial matched rule political 25 points
Article Victims_of_Acts_of_Terror_Memorial matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points

Total 55 points

Article Trolleybuses_in_Manchester matched rule infrastructure 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule karl\smarx 10 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule marxis(t|m) 10 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule politician 25 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule social(-|\s)democra(t|c) 10 points
Article Julian_Borchardt matched rule socialis(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Julian_Borchardt matched rule socialis(t|m) 20 points

Total 155 points

Article Sochi_bid_for_the_2014_Winter_Olympics matched rule political 25 points
Lead of the article Sochi_bid_for_the_2014_Winter_Olympics matched rule political 50 points

Total 50 points

Article Werakata_National_Park matched rule \Wofficial 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Nathaniel_Hodges matched rule parliament 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Patentee_locomotive matched rule revolution 10 points
Lead of the article Patentee_locomotive matched rule revolution 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Jakob_Finci matched rule human\srights 10 points
Article Jakob_Finci matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Svoboda_(newspaper) matched rule political 25 points

Total 25 points

Article Lt._Gen._James_B._Vaught_(USA) matched rule communis(t|m) 10 points
Article Lt._Gen._James_B._Vaught_(USA) matched rule federal\sgovernment 10 points
Article Lt._Gen._James_B._Vaught_(USA) matched rule military\sdraft 10 points
Article Lt._Gen._James_B._Vaught_(USA) matched rule federal 10 points

Total 40 points

Article Dervo_Sejdić matched rule human\srights 10 points
Article Dervo_Sejdić matched rule president 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Regulatory_Council_for_Spiritual_Healers matched rule regulation 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Édouard_Hesling matched rule governor 10 points
Lead of the article Édouard_Hesling matched rule governor 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule Category:[^\]]*politic 50 points
Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule minister 10 points
Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points
Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule politician 25 points
Lead of the article Paul_von_Krause matched rule politician 50 points
Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule revolution 10 points
Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule federal 10 points
Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule president 10 points

Total 160 points

Article Jaap_van_Till matched rule infrastructure 10 points
Lead of the article Jaap_van_Till matched rule infrastructure 20 points
Article Jaap_van_Till matched rule legislat 10 points
Article Jaap_van_Till matched rule ministr(i|y) 10 points

Total 40 points

Article Professor_D.P._Agrawal matched rule revolution 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Wandering_the_swamps_of_Vietnam matched rule \Wofficial 10 points
Lead of the article Wandering_the_swamps_of_Vietnam matched rule \Wofficial 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule doctrine 10 points
Lead of the article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule doctrine 20 points
Article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule terroris(t|m) 10 points
Lead of the article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule terroris(t|m) 20 points
Article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule winston\schurchill 10 points
Lead of the article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule winston\schurchill 20 points

Total 60 points

Article No._11_Squadron_Arrows matched rule minister 10 points
Article No._11_Squadron_Arrows matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points

Total 20 points

Article Sultan_Mohamed_Shah_Aga_Khan_School,_Karachi matched rule federal 10 points
Lead of the article Sultan_Mohamed_Shah_Aga_Khan_School,_Karachi matched rule federal 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Raise_Your_Weapon matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article Raise_Your_Weapon matched rule election 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Jan_Lokpal_Bill matched rule election 10 points
Article Jan_Lokpal_Bill matched rule human\srights 10 points
Article Jan_Lokpal_Bill matched rule minister 10 points
Article Jan_Lokpal_Bill matched rule parliament 10 points
Article Jan_Lokpal_Bill matched rule supreme\scourt 10 points
Article Jan_Lokpal_Bill matched rule prime(-|\s)minister 10 points
Article Jan_Lokpal_Bill matched rule president 10 points

Total 70 points

Article Bad_Selection matched rule election 10 points
Lead of the article Bad_Selection matched rule election 20 points

Total 20 points