User:An anonymous username, not my real name

All animals feel Wonder, and many exhibit Curiosity.

Hello and welcome. I am incredibly honoured to be a contributor to this glorious encyclopaedia. I have not been around nearly as long as some others, but I hope to remain for years to come. Like anyone else, I frequently make mistakes, although hopefully each is one I will never make again. While I have made plenty of edits in the past I regret, I like to think I have become better over time, in every possible sense of the word. I am not here to fight, so I always try to be understanding and civil should a disagreement arise. I do not have any contempt for anyone, not even vandals (I only hope they may someday be reformed).

My editing style is rather unorthodox in several ways: I always prefer fewer, more significant revisions to many small edits; I tend to err on the side overlinking rather than risk underlinking; and I switch freely between US and UK spelling to keep things interesting (never on the same page of course, as that would be downright sinful). I also make sure to review two good article nominations for each of my own, per Wikipedia's unofficial recommendation. I'm not terribly busy, on here or in life, for which I am very fortunate, so if you would like my assistance for any reason, I would be glad to give it.