
Il existe dans la Nature des arbres grands et petits, et diverses plantes médicinales. Et leurs noms, leurs formes, leurs caractéristiques, sont différentes. Il apparaît quelque nuage dans le ciel, celui-ci s'épaissit progressivement et la pluie commence ensuite à tomber.

Elle imprègne alors les arbres et les plantes, elle les arrose d'une façon impartiale. Bien sûr, ceux-ci la reçoivent différemment selon la différence et la diversité de chaque plante. m:anthere

A picture by User:Koyaanis Qatsi

I discovered Wikipedia somewhere in january or february 2002, but stayed anonymous for quite a while...

When I finally created a user page, here is what I first wrote on it :

When I discovered Wikipedia a few months ago, I felt I was brought back in the past, when Internet was still very much in the hands of whoever had the chance to be connected. How exhilarating it was !
These past years, I felt the net had somehow lost some of its shine, too many professional and commercial sites, too much advertising, too many people wandering on forums, talking about what professionals made them talk, too many copyrights...loss of freshness, loss of spontaneity, relative passivity, endless wandering in search of kindred souls.
And I ended here :-) Found a diamond partially out of its gangue, slowly but surely being cut by hundred of artists. Earth hosts many jewels!
On this side, I am maybe more one of the future 3 billion users/readers. But sometimes, I feel like a user must not be only a reader. My hand quivers a lot while I try to shape the crystal. Sorry about that. Please be very bold while copyediting me :-)

Perhaps could I explain better what delighted me...