
Dis, ant, sur ta page utilisatrice (;D), elle appartient a qui, la peau sous la petite culotte rose a cote de quoi pose la sauterelle? t'as l'autorisation de la sauterelle pour mettre sa photo ? ;-) -Alvaro- 8 nov 2003 à 17:06 (CET)
Dis, ant, sur ta page utilisatrice (;D), elle appartient a qui, la peau sous la petite culotte rose a cote de quoi pose la sauterelle? t'as l'autorisation de la sauterelle pour mettre sa photo ? ;-) -Alvaro- 8 nov 2003 à 17:06 (CET)

Qui que tu sois , qui es tu ? Yves

I am a french m:wikiwoman of 37. I live in a small village, Malintrat, near a medium size french city called Clermont-Ferrand, with my husband and my three kids (two boys and a girl, between 2 months and 9 years old).

I worked until recently in a small firm whose activity was related with decision tools, in finances, insurance, agriculture and agri-business. My part was in the agri-business. Unfortunately, my firm had to stop activity at the end of 2005 and I was subsequently fired, along with all employees. I now enjoy being at home, with my new baby (the two older kids keep me busy as well), my computer (or rather my husband laptop) and my garden.

I have been an editor since february 2002. I first started editing only the english wikipedia anonymously, then under the pseudonym Anthere, then joined the french wikipedia when it had possibly 200 stubs. In english, I mostly focused in editing, while in the french wikipedia, I also took a lot of time building the project and the community. At that time, all international wikipedias were very small and not even on the same software than the english one. Most of my edits were in the following areas : agriculture, environment, ecology... I also enjoyed writing on more "touchy" issues, such as the Iraq war, the veil in France or commercial war over GMOs...

In summer 2002, I decided that this project HAD TO BE multilingual... or not to be... and I joined the mailing list and started editing a no man's land called meta meta in order to help this to happen. Since then, I have not quit trying to take care of all projects and all languages.

I am a hopeless Wikipediholic. I do not dare test myself anymore, last time (about 3 years ago), it was over 100 and it is worse now.

You may find some explanations about my pseudonyme there.

In 2004, I joined the founding mediation commitee on the english wikipedia and wrote quite a lot of things about mediation and conflict resolution, one of those being Wikipedia:civility.

While a sysop on meta, en:wikipedia, fr:wikipedia and commons, I have been a meta:steward for more than two years now.

I am not editing articles much now as I do not have much time to go on doing it.

My main contribution on the project for now a year has been as a board member and vice-chair of Wikimedia Foundation Inc. In itself, it is using a lot of my time, more than I ever gave in the more than 3 years I have been here. A lot of it is invisible, though some may be seen through Wikimedia Quarto, the letter of Wikimedia Foundation (deprecated). In october 2004, I also became a member of the french association board (Wikimedia France).

What I love to do best ? Talk to people (sometimes quite hotly I confess), meet new people, act like a bridge between languages and projects and organise things.

Please rather talk to me gently, I take things personally.

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Wikimedia Board candidacy
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meta - fr: - Meatball