
A District Programme Manager (DPM) is a government official in India who monitors and plans district health strategies, as with the National Rural Health Mission and the District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit.

A DPM does the following:

  • assists in matters relating to the overall management of human and financial resources.
  • liaises with other consultants of the NRHM program at all levels.
  • provides managerial support to district and peripheral level program support staff and grassroots functionaries.
  • manages human resources, including contractual staff, within NRHM.
  • assists the Civil Surgeon in overall control of financial matters.
  • assists the Civil Surgeon in overall logistic management.
  • monitors managerial, administrative and financial aspects of NRHM in his district.
  • provides logistic support to contractual and field staff for implementation of NRHM
  • provides necessary support to technical consultants appointed at the state and field levels during their field visits.
  • analyzes financial and physical progress reports, and take corrective measures for improving output.
  • identifies the cause of any unreasonable delay in the achievement of milestones, or in the release of funds, and proposes corrective action.
  • provides regular report/feedback on the programme to the Civil Surgeon of the district.
  • takes appropriate actions in relation to feedback provided by medical officers/programme officers of the district in consultation with the Civil Surgeon.
  • undertakes any other duties assigned to him by the Civil Surgeon and the CS' team.
  • advises on the further development of the programme.

Job Responsibilities District Program Manager

  • 1. Maternal Health
  • 1. Ensuring operationalization of all delivery points(Including BEmONC &CEmONCs) & Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) in the division by
  •  District-wise review & hand holding (Institutional deliveries & status of delivery points- HR, Equipments, Consumables including drugs &
  • investigations(Including Sonography services in-house or by outsourcing), Free transport services, Dietary services through in house kitchen
  • except L1 SHC,)Prepare plan & Monitor execution of plan, if deviation occurs inform senior officials & facilitate corrective action.
  •  Monitoring through HMIS.
  •  Field visit of at least one CEmONC, one BEmONC & one level-1 DP per week.
  •  Help CMHO in review & making proposal for rational deployment of HR as per guidelines to RJD. (Both regular & contractual.)
  • 2. Ensuring Operationalization of Blood Transfusion Services (Prepare plan & facilitate Procurement of BSU refrigerator, acquire license for BSU)
  • 3. Medical College- Monitoring Distribution and utilization of funds under JSSK & JSY.
  • 4. Comprehensive Abortion Care
  •  Monthly analysis of MTP data with CMHO & facilitate CMHO to take corrective actions for places of unusually low or high incidences. Physical

verification / Supportive supervision of at least one centre a week.

  •  Preparing plan ensuring CAC training at identified training centers
  •  Facilitating Procurement & distribution of MMA drugs to CAC sites.
  •  Organizing Quarterly meetings of DLC.
  •  Physical verification of at least one centre a week.
  • 5. Ensuring quality 4 ANC check up
  •  Ensuring quality 4 Ante Natal Checkups by monitoring & taking corrective actions on (At least two sessions must be directly supervised by DPMs every week)-
  •  Early registration (Review the average time of registration ASHA-wise & Sub centre-wise).(At least two verifications per month.)
  •  Functioning of ANM mentors. Ensure that corrective action has been taken on mentors’ report.(Physically verify)
  •  Prepare micro-plan of MSS in co-ordination with DHO-1 and organization of camps as per micro-plan.
  •  Organization of Roshni Clinic & monitoring in & out-referrals till they are finally treated.
  • 6. Elimination of Severe anemia and Eclampsia by monitoring backtracking. Ensuring that identified ANMs reach state HQ for training and personal *appearance positively.
  • 7. Ensuring quality intrapartum and immediate postpartum care-
  •  Functioning of nurse mentors. Ensure that corrective action has been taken on mentors’ report.(Physically verify)
  • 8. Maternal Death Review- Validate the data with DHO-1 ensure regular MDRs.
  • B . Child Health
              Ensuring functionality of FBNC by review & monitoring of SNCUs, NBSUs & NBCC on parameters of numbers of successful Discharges, Referrals, LAMAs, Mortality, No. of Admissions, Equipment functionality, linkage with RBSK (DEIC), Quarterly Review of Medical College SNCUs,
  • Postnatal and KMC Ward.(At least 2 facilities must be physically verified.)Make procurement plan facilitate procurement process by regular follow-up.
  •  Monitor functionality of FBPC & give feed back to CMHO & CS. Functionality of ETAT in all District Hospitals, reviewing services at Pediatric Ward - *on parameters of Admission, Diagnosis, Referral, Duration of Stay, Functionality of existing as well as new PICUs.
  • B. Assist DHO-1 to ensure - FBIR of all community deaths and 2 verbal autopsies per block per month.
    Ensure availability of free drugs, diagnostics & referral transport to infants up to 1 year.(Physically verify at least two facilities per week.
  • 2. Child Health Nutrition

 Visit at least two NRCs & ensure regularity & timeliness of staff, Regular rounds by NRC MO / Pediatrician, Availability of quality feeds on stipulated time, cleanliness of NRC as well as kitchen, drugs & diagnostics including Montoux test & X-ray, NRCs on Bed Occupancy rates, Recovery rates, *Defaulter rates, SAM with Medical Complications (NRC-MIS) Food for mothers.

 Facilitate Convergence with ICDS, DoE and TWD. Give feed back to CMHO, Make sure that critical issues come for discussions in DHS/coordination meetings.

  • A. Prevention of Childhood Anemia- Physical verification of at least 5 AWCs and 5 Primary Schools to ensure-

 Prepare procurement plan & facilitate procurement to ensure Availability and consumption of IFA Syrup at AWCs  Prepare procurement plan & facilitate procurement to ensure Availability and consumption of Pink IFA Tab at Primary school  Tally with drug issue and consumption reports  Availability of appropriate IEC and reporting registers.  Fortnightly review the progress & corrective actions as per review findings.

  • C. Prevention of Adolescent Anemia- Physical verification of at least 5 AWCs and 5 Middle, High and Higher Secondary Schools to monitor:

 Prepare procurement plan & facilitate procurement to ensure Availability and consumption of IFA Blue at AWCs (for out of school adolescent girls)  Prepare procurement plan & facilitate procurement to ensure Availability and consumption of Blue IFA Tab at Middle, High and Higher Secondary Schools  Tally with drug issue and consumption reports.  Fortnightly review the progress & corrective actions as per review findings.  Availability of appropriate IEC and reporting registers

  • D. Implementation of MAA Campaign (IYCF Practices) - Monthly review of trainings & Community awareness activities in the district.
  • Family Welfare - Ensuring

 Achievement of ELA by regular monitoring of HMIS data.  Stock availability of contraceptives.  Operationalization of facility as static center by FP 2020 DHAP.  Quality in Family Welfare  Timely disposal failure claims.  Arrange Regular DQAC meetings.  Timely sending as well as analysis of GOI 11 format report with CMHO & corrective action.  Visit at least one sterilization camp with DHO-2 of CMHO to review the quality of camp & ensure corrective actions.

  • E Rashtriya Bal Suraksha Karyakram (RBSK)-

 Ensure that all the newborns with birth defects are referred to DEIC by checking birth defect register during visit of delivery points (At least on DP per week).  Review the SNCU discharge registrations in DEIC during monthly meeting of CM&HO.  Monitor preparation & ensure compliance of block wise micro-plan of Mob.

  • Health Team.(Physical verification of work of at least 2 teams per week)

 Monitor screening of planned facilities / number of infants & children, as well as treatment of all 4D positive children, including cleft lip / palate surgeries.  Organize quarterly camp at district level for line listed child.  Ensure monthly FMIS bookings.  Facilitate training of delivery point staff and MHT as per approvals.  Review & take corrective actions on death audit report.  Monthly review of District Health card with CMHO & corrective action.  Progress of CLEFT LIP free MP (High Priority).(Weekly Review of data with corrective action)  Facilitate progress of Pediatric Surgical Unit establishment in Medical colleges.(Weekly review)  Cochlear implant cases (High Priority).(Weekly review)  Death of 4D's positive children.(Weekly Review)

  • D. Human Resources-

 Timely preparation of error free line listing & disbursal of PIP.  Monitor Timely redressal of grievances as per HR manual. Give feedback on pendency to CMHO & RJD.  Regular monitoring of complaints & legal cases to ensure speedy disposal within time limit. Give feed back to CMHO & RJD on pendency.  Facilitate timely completion of annual performance appraisal process & contract renewal..  Review placement of HR with CMHO & propose rationalization plan to RJD.  Regularly monitor to ensure entries & updation of HRMIS(Monitor progress every week)

  • G. Finance

 Ensuring availability of funds in all blocks.  Coordinate with DAM & CMHO in Monitoring Expenditures, Advances, Pendency’s & UCS.  Monitor Timely payments of all beneficiary oriented schemes (Review pendency every week).  Monitoring of FMIS based comparative reports with DAM.(Monthly review & Corrective action)  Make proposals for judicious use of untied funds.  Coordinate with DAM for timely completion of Audits.  Ensure proper record keeping.  Ensure timely submission of Reports to State.  Ensure deductions of EPF & IT amount which in turn deposited in respective accounts regularly.

  • H. Hospital Administration-

 To organize RKS meetings (General Body & Executive Body) are held as provisions of RKS Rules, 2010.  Monitor proper deployment of Cleanliness Workers, Supervisors and Security Guards as per the norms in all subordinate institutions. Physically verify their number, quality of services provided & consumables use in at least one institution per week.  Monitor & ensure timely & full payments to the deployed staff by Outsource agencies, deductions towards EPF/ESI are made & deposited in respective accounts.  Coordinate with CS in ensuring Proper functioning of Dialysis scheme by monitoring functional status of machines, RO plant, availability of consumables, sessions conducted against expected &regular payments.(Physical verification & critical review of at least one such unit per week).  Regularly visit the facilities to ensure that all Essential and Vital equipment are available and functional.(Physical verification of at least two facilities per week.)

  • I.Quality Assurance-

 Organize regular Meetings of Quality Assurance Committee as per norms.  Monitor & ensure timely disposal by the authorized CBWTF agency/Deep Burial (where outsourced Services are not available).  Monitor & ensure Disinfection & sterilization of labor rooms, SNCUs & OTs as well as OT instruments &linen. Physically verify the status, status of records & trainings of at least one facility every week.  To acquire timely Authorization & removal from MP PCB.  To ensure availability & functional status of equipments required for Infection control practices and implementation of protocols.

  • J. Patient Amenities / Free Drugs, Diagnostics & Transport- Ensure

 Monitor & ensure availability of clean linen to all indoor patients & Cleanliness, safe drinking water, sitting arrangement, fans, coolers etc for patients as well as attendants.  Monitor & ensure periodic maintenance & cleaning of aqua-guards, ROs & overhead tanks. Co-ordinate with CS & BMOs / BPMs.  Monitor & ensure availability of suggested tests & drugs in all the subordinate institutions. Co-ordinate with CS & BMOs / BPMs.  Timely availability of transport services. (Physically verify the condition of at least one ambulance per week.) Also monitor their response time & down time if any.

  • K. NUHM- Ensure Operationalization of U-PHC by

 Planning & Monitoring Target achievement, Availability of Medicine & Consumables, UHND/ Out Reach Services.  Planning Community Process Review on- Formation of Mahila Arogya Samiltis, Opening of MAS accounts & transfer of funds in these accounts, Selection & training of Urban ASHAs & Fund utilization. Physical verification of at least one UPSC & 1 UHND per week.

  • L.PC & PNDT

 Ensure regular & timely inspection of Sonography centers, ART Clinics according to PC&PNDT Act within time limit by teams.  To convene Advisory Committee meetings within 60 days as per provision of PC&PNDT Act.

  • L. Routine Immunization- Insure complete immunization by

 Preparing micro-plan with DIO monitoring that Micro plans are correctly made & strictly followed. Review missed sessions & make arrangements to immunize left out infants & children.  Ensure Effective Alternate Vaccine Delivery System (AVDS)  Critically Review the placement of ANMs with CMHO, plan redeployment if needed & send to MD through RJD for approval. Ensure their periodic trainings.  Physical verification / Supportive supervision of at least two VHND sessions per week.  To hold monthly review meeting at district level (DTFI) under chairmanship of Collector with ICDS officials.