User:Biker Biker

I am a biker and proud of it (which in Britain means a motorcycle rider, a subtly different meaning from that used in the USA) - so for my US friends perhaps you should refer to me as "Motorcyclist Motorcyclist". I intend to focus mainly on motorcycle-related articles on Wikipedia. If I have a mission it is to clean up a large number of Wikipedia articles and write the odd new bike article.

I love bikes and own a good sized collection (but never a Hardley-Ableson!). Tomorrow my collection may be different as I believe one should acquire a different bike as often as one acquires new underpants. Although I don't currently own a car I have owned many over the years including some really odball ones during my years living in the USA.

What I don't love is muppetry, pomposity, spamming, self interest or conflict of interest. There are way too many examples of this on Wikipedia; I really enjoy weeding out these wankers and bad eggs by getting them blocked.