
List of film spoofs in Cracked

This list of film spoofs in Cracked includes films spoofed (parodied) by the American comic magazine Cracked. Cracked was an imitator of Mad, which pioneered the format, so most everything that could be said of Mad's film parodies holds true for those of Cracked.

One difference is in the films each magazine chose to cover. Mad is notable for having introduced young readers to controversial movies they would not have been allowed to see on their own.[1] Cracked aimed at a slightly younger audience, and played it safer.

Cracked didn't make movie parodies a regular feature until years after Mad did, and initially it did fewer of them. In Cracked's first few decades, nearly all their parodies were drawn by their star artist, John Severin. In 1985, the magazine changed hands, from Major Publications to Globe Communications; after the sale, the contributor pool expanded, and the magazine began running more parodies. Severin retained pride of place, but new hire Walter James Brogan became the magazine's most prolific parody artist.

In this period, Cracked tended to cover more action movies, broad comedies, and childrens' movies than Mad did. They even parodied movies that were parodic to begin with, such as The Naked Gun 2½ and Hot Shots. They also paid more attention to horror films, due to their long-time sideline in monster magazines.

In 1999, Cracked was bought by American Media, Inc., which immediately slashed their budget. Faced with deep cuts in page rates, most of its long-time contributors quit, including Severin. The magazine struggled on irregularly for a few years longer.

  1. ^ Hendrix, Grady. "Cahiers du CinéMAD". Film Comment.