
User Profile
No picture. Ha HA!
General info
User name Cernen
Real name Matthew Austin
Gender Male, but if you were paying attention, you'dve figured that out.
Date of birth August 29, 1986.
Age Too young to die, too old to care.
Hometown Puyallup, WA, though Vancouver, WA feels much more like home.
Height 5'8"
Weight Will not disclose
Hair color Brownish Black
Eye color Brown
Ethnicity Irish-German-French-Canadian
Body type Potato-Shaped
Exercise I get enough pushing my luck, tyvm.
Work I make plastic things for men. I used to make plastic things for women a long time ago. Go figure.
Education HSD, MOS-E.
Politics Liberal Independent
Religion I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.
Relationship Currently available for public consumption
Children None, thank God.
Sexuality Undetermined
Drinking No, I use Ambien to screw myself up.
Smoking Not anymore.
Sign Virgo
Personality According to my coworker Moe, I am an asshole. He seems to be the only one that thinks so.
Influences ...
Peeves Being the third wheel.
Frustrations Current world progress.