
Artmedia, Seminar and Laboratory of the Aesthetics of Media and Communication, was one of the first and most important scientific projects concerning the relationship between art, technology, philosophy and aesthetics. It was founded in 1985 at the University of Salerno. For over two decades, until 2009 , dozens of projects, studies, exhibitions and conferences on new technologies,[1] made Artmedia a reference point for many internationally renowed scholars and artists,[2] and contributed to the growing cultural interest for the aesthetics of media, the aesthetics of networks, and their ethical and anthropological implications.

  1. ^ In addition to the 10 editions of the International Symposium "Artmedia", which took place in Salerno and Paris from 1985 to 2008, the Laboratory has led to numerous other initiatives and events, such as "L'immaginario tecnologico", 1984 (conference and exhibition); "Attività-video: Differenzavideo", 1982 (exhibition); "Videosuite", 1983 (exhibition); "Ouverture Vidéo", 1986 (exhibition); "2 videoplays di Samuel Beckett", 1990 (presentation); "Technettronica", 1989 (Exhibition about the Aesthetics of Communication); "Estetica e antropologia", 1983 (International Symposium); "Tecnologie e forme nell'arte e nella scienza", 2003 (International Symposium); "New Technologies: Roy Ascott, Maurizio Bolognini, Fred Forest, Richard Kriesche, Mit Mitropoulos", Museo del Sannio, 2003 (Exhibition on the Aesthetics of Communication); "Estetica e tecnologia", 1987 (Symposium); "Progetto istallazioni Capodimonte" (Ascott, Forest, Kriesche, Muntadas, Cardini, Prado), Naples, 1997 (Exhibition on the Aesthetics of Communication); "L'immateriale in piazza" (installation projects: Aitiani, Forest, Mitropoulos, Grossi, Prado), Naples, 1992 (Exhibition on the Aesthetics of Communication); "Il suono da lontano", 1989 (Conference); "Un'estetica per i media" 1989 (RAI, Dipartimento Scuola Educazione, TV program); "Cartacarbone", 1990 (radio program); "Coincidences", 1995 (Aesthetics journal, in French); "Epiphaneia", 1995 e 1996 (Aesthetics journal, in Italian).
  2. ^ A. R., Des hauts et débats. Colloque Artmedia VIII, "Liberation", November 29, 2002, p. 13; Dossier: De l’esthétique de la communication au Net Art, "Art Press", 285, November 2002, pp. 37-43.