
This page serves a friendly depository for all things Wikipedia-related that bounce through my brain. I live in California, thanks to the U.S. Air Force and their relocation whims. I'm a 21-year old language student who became addicted to Wikipedia after I anonymously edited an article on parliamentary debate. That article has since been rewritten a good dozen times, but my unshakeable desire for all things Wiki has yet to subside. Thus, this username was born.

Consequentially is the adverb form of consequential. Its most commonly used definition means "following as an effect, result, or conclusion," but I chose it for its secondary meaning: "having important consequences; significant." Humorously, the word consequential can also mean "pompous; self important." Given time, I'm sure that word will apply as well, but I'll do my best to keep myself in check.

I am currently ashamed of my addiction to userboxes.