User:Davidgrunwald/GTS Translation plugin

The GTS Translation plugin is a system for translation of websites which are authored in the Wordpress CMS. The system is based on human post-editing of machine translation using a translator community (crowdsourcing). The GTS Translation plugin is provided in compliance with the BSD license which is compatible with the GPL license. The software was developed by Steve van loben Sels.

The following is the system's workflow:

  1. User installs and signs up to service in Wordpress
  2. The website home page and all home page posts are translated by machine translation server and stored on the GTS host
  3. Email notifications are sent to translation community members for post-editing
  4. After editing is done, blog posts are reviewed and approved by moderator.
  5. Posts are published in Wordpress database
  6. Steps 3-5 repeated each time a new blog post is published

When the GTS Translation plugin is installed, a translation widget is place on each website page to enable language selection. Unlike other translation widgets, like Google and Microsoft which translate web content on-the-fly and do not cache the translated content, the GTS plugin caches the content in the Wordpress database so it can be indexed by search engines and optimized for search engine traffic (SEO). Permalink URL names are translated to further facilitate SEO. Each time a post is published, the 'recent posts' and 'recent comments' are updated on all translated web pages. Category and Tags pages are created in each language and updated each time a post is published.

The GTS plugin provides a set of tools that enables creation of a private translation community. The Online editing tools which are provided for the human post-editing include a side-by-side visual editor and popup windows to enter the text revisions.

Currently, the system supports translation of websites from English to French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese. The system uses a private, secure translation server which is owned by GTS.