Rather than genealogy, I would speak of family history and heraldry. When you go so far back in time — I mean, more than a millenium — there is no hope to reconstruct a complete family tree. On the other hand, the family name itself is not enough to ensure two people belong to the same family.
So what? Well, the only way is to try to reconstruct pieces of a family tree, branches, by verifying that two people lived in the same house, shared the same properties, are stated to be relative in notarial acts, and so forth. Furthermore, rather than the coat of arms, it is the family motto that is relevant to trace a family tree.
So I tried to identify connections among branches, migrations, parentships with other families. It was a 20 years old researches that allowed my father and me to find more than 600 people from 954 a.C. until today. Nothing is definitive, everything can and will change. Anyway, you can find a complete bibliography in my site. But, be aware: it will be a long, long trip...