User:Delliana/Niels van Hoorn

Niels van Hoorn Niels van Hoorn was a member of the Legendary Pink Dots for 21 years(1989-2010). He played an array of musical instruments with the band, including the flute, electric xylophone, saxophone, and others.

Niels was well respected for his comfortability and rapport with the audience, both on and off stage. He frequently directed his instrument at individual members in the crowd. He became increasingly more playful, sometimes playing directly in their ears, if they responded. For the entirety of his career with the Dots, Niels regularly socialized with the fans, more than happy to answer any questions before and after the shows.

Since leaving LPD, Niels has done music with Strange Attractor, Voltage, Szense, and his newest project, The National Grid. He has also collaborated with David J and Lydia Lunch among others.