
Welcome to Dematt's page.

I am an american chiropractor by trade, father of four, and husband to one. I am very active in my community; past president of the business association, ball coach, community festival director, blah, blah, blah, and have recently retired from my Scoutmaster position where I learned more about myself than I dare say. Nothing prepares you better for the world than trying to train 20 boys to "play" well together in the woods=). But, no doubt, being a Dad is my favorite job. I thank my wife every day for giving me somebody to play with.

I, too, consider myself a skeptic, but not in the usual sense of the word. I question everything. The boys taught me that... If you don't have the answer to the "why" question, you better not say it.

I realized young that I feel most alive when I am learning something new. So show me something I don't know and I'll remember you forever!