
This user is proud to be Puerto Rican

Demf are actually the initials in my name, David Enrique Miró Feliciano. I'm a native of Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (particularly Miradero), to where I've returned to live for the first time in nine years. I lived for close to three years in San Jose and Cupertino,California, while working at Apple Inc. Since then I returned to Puerto Rico, not before criss-crossing the United States and living for a while in Orlando, Florida. You'll see who I am and what I stand for in the Userboxes section down below.

I was, for over 12 years, the organizer of the Premios DUH! (or DUH! Awards), a mock award show where Puerto Rican odd news (and odd celebrities) were given awards and immortalized for posterity. Sort of. This was a minor media event in Puerto Rico every December 28th., the local equivalent of April Fools Day in Puerto Rico. I've since moved on and am now contributing with a humor column to a local newspaper, every week. For the time being, the newspaper shall remain nameless...

I used to be an active contributor to Wikipedia, and did contribute to pages that relate to either Puerto Rico or to Puerto Rican culture. I gravitated to pages about Puerto Rican landmarks, famous people (particularly singers and composers), and the one for my birthplace and those of fellow mayagüezanos. However, one article made me change my mind. I tried, unsuccessfully, to raise the Ramón Emeterio Betances artice beyond the paltry "B" rating it used to have a while back. For close to five months I researched the guy, took photos of all landmarks associated to him in Puerto Rico, transcribed podcasts, rewrote the article tons of times... and still didn't get much assistance to have it fixed. Everyone and his brother thought it was my article, so to speak; they would all critique it, but only a few would help. Some Wikipedians' paranoia over quotes and over WP's arcane rules made things worse, and I had quite a few decent Puerto Rico articles removed claiming I had done "original research" (ask a Puerto Rican about a sociological concept such as "Ay, bendito" and he'll tell you it is not a mere phrase in a dictionary, but some bozos here think it is), so I simply gave up.

A few fellow Puerto Rican Wikipedians carried on the torch for the Betances article and had it earn the Featured Article status it now has (and deserves, modesty aside). However, yet again, this place is the only place in the world where a person, in theory, cannot write an autobiography if someone hasn't quoted him or her first... There are also quite a bunch of trolls raising hell around these quarters, far more interested in rules and harassing other people about what they think this WP version should be: an Anglocentric realm of popular culture, where little else deserves more than stub treatment. I simply edit here first because the only language in far more use than English in the world is Chinese, and I know almost no Chinese. A broad worldwide editorial and tech support base made articles about my home country much better known elsewhere, and because of this, I chose English, and not Spanish, as the basis for most of my articles. Yet, I'm sure, some bozo will complain about me even saying this here.

My WP status as an editor is on hold. However, motivated by fellow boricua Wikipedians like Tony the Marine (whom I personally visited in Arizona in February, 2008), I am slowly returning to correct existing articles here and there. Finally, I'm starting a wiki project called Mayawiki, in Spanish. If you're a mayagüezano, feel free to join.