
BlooSee is a social network and an ocean web mapping site where sailors, surfers and other sea lovers geotag and share information and knowledge about the oceans[1]. BlooSee is built in Python and uses the Google Maps API.

BlooSee is owned by BlooSee, Inc. a Silicon Valley Startup company[2] originally founded in 2009 by internet entrepreneurs Pedro Valdeolmillos and Marc Puig in Barcelona, Spain[3][4].

  1. ^ "Mapping Oceans and Bodies of Water", WebMapSocial presentation at the Google Headquarters, July 20, 2010.
  2. ^ Entry for BlooSee, Inc. on Crunchbase Internet Startup Database
  3. ^ "The Wikipedia of the Seas looks for investors in Silicon Valley" Article on Expansión, main business newspaper in Spain (Spanish)
  4. ^ BlooSee featured in Informe Semanal TV News Show