
All items become the intelectual property of the contributor by deed, but lose all meaning, beyond that.

Due to circumstances beyond my control and the banality of several users I have decided to call it a day at Wikipedia: I have created the following pages, but much of my work has changed because of the open nature of this encyclopedia, this is great, but the arrogance of some demonstrates only the pointlessness of continuing.

List of good reasons to contribute to wikipedia: 1?

 1] wikipedia is the most reliable source of verified information available on Google.
ii] wikipedia has to many emtries made to it today to make it possible to police without bots, so it needs educated help to maintain.

III] WIKIPEDIA has unrepaired errors anf typos and is also vulnerable to control freaks, like the church of Scientoilogy.

I dont like my wikipages being cloned, I assert my rights under Copyright law but an happy to offer facts to Wikipedia, should they be honestly maintained.

Wikipedia had a problem with over zelous ediros/administrators in 2005.