
A drawing of Ezekiel's Visionary Temple from the Book of Ezekiel 40-47

"If I forget thee, O' Yerushalayim..."

Psalms 137:1-6

(1) By the rivers of Babel, there we sat down and we wept as we remembered Tsiyon.

(2) We hung our lyres upon the willows in the midst of it.

(3) For there our captors asked us for the words of a song, and our plunderers for rejoicing, saying, “Sing to us a song of Tsiyon!”

(4) How could we sing the song of יהוה‎ on foreign soil?

(5) If I forget you, O Yerushalayim, let my right hand forget.

(6) Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Yerushalayim above my chief joy.