
There are a total of 6,879,216 content pages in the main namespace, of which 360,682 are disambiguation pages.

Out of 6,518,534 articles, 5,632,994 have a short description and 885,540 do not have a short description.

5,632,994 / 6,518,534

86.415% complete

This search finds all articles that have had the {{short description}} template added. The remaining descriptions are generated by infoboxes or other templates.

Recent progress
Recent progress


Approximate statistics since July 2020
Date Articles with
short descriptions
Total number of articles
(including disambiguation pages)
Percentage of articles
with short descriptions
8 July 2020 1,100,000 6,115,000 18.0%
29 December 2020 1,440,000 6,215,000 23.2%
15 April 2021 2,027,000 6,282,000 32.3%
19 October 2021 2,478,000 6,396,000 38.7%
12 November 2021 3,791,000 6,406,000 59.2%
15 February 2022 4,009,000 6,452,000 62.1%
23 May 2022 4,364,000 6,503,000 67.1%
3 January 2023 4,781,930 6,597,400 72.5%
25 September 2023 5,096,525 6,719,582 75.8%
25 October 2023 5,136,243 6,734,013 76.3%
25 December 2023 5,213,928 6,761,907 77.1%
28 January 2024 5,263,307 6,775,839 77.7%
25 February 2024 5,315,618 6,788,970 78.3%
25 March 2024 5,356,339 6,802,440 78.7%
25 April 2024 5,405,531 6,816,669 79.3%

Note: The article counts prior to March 2023 are rounded values taken from Size of Wikipedia: The data set.

See checklists of current progress.