
Hamaxides resides in Ohio, USA.

He used The Wikipedia Adventure to learn how to edit initially and highly recommends it. He also discovered this that looks promising as a way to educate others on how to edit WP (and learn something himself).

He has contributed to:

Although still a Novice Editor, Hamaxides has begun to encourage staff at the library at which he works to edit and to contribute to Wikimedia projects. The staff has been adding External Links to appropriate articles to allow readers of Wikipedia to more easily find digital resources from the library related to their topic of interest.

Hamaxides attended WikiConference North America 2018 on Saturday, October 20, in Columbus, Ohio. He found it both an inspiring and overwhelming experience but gained valuable information to share with co-workers. He also took it as an incentive to stop and photograph the Indianola Junior High School in Columbus, subsequently uploading the images to Wikimedia Commons and expanding the article on the historic school building.