

xx.xx.04 | Azureus

FEATURE: Added Remaining column to My Torrents [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Caching of peer info to disk for quick restarts if tracker is unavailable [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker connections proxy support [Nolar]
FEATURE: Added option to auto-update language file from web (Config -> Interface -> Language) [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Send text in My Torrents to clipboard [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Added "DLing For" and "Seeding For" time columns to "My Torrents" [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: When torrent data is missing, you can change directory via the context menu [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UDP tracker version 2 support added [Parg]
FEATURE: Linux system tray support [Gudy]
FEATURE: Right-click menu sorting of columns [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: HTTP scrapes to same tracker combined into one request if tracker supports it [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: In the Details view, pieces that we don't yet have from a peer are shown in inverse color [Nolar]
FEATURE: Web Plugin now can set upload rate [Parg]
FEATURE: Web Plugin support for uploading torrents [Parg]

CHANGE: Azureus should work with SWT 2.12 until we break backwards compat. again. [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: All progress/piece bars re-done (again) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Can set per-torrent and global peer connection limits [Nolar]
CHANGE: Shrink "My Torrents" Context menu [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Ignore Share Ratio can now be non-integer [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: File descriptor handles increased from default of 256 to 8192 under OSX [Nolar]
CHANGE: Systray4j removed: system tray support now from SWT built-in code [Gudy]
CHANGE: Config/pref/torrent file saving uses intermediate .saving file for more reliability [Nolar]
CHANGE: New SHA-1 hasher: up to 25% faster [Gudy / Nolar]
CHANGE: Currently-connected peer connections are dropped when IPFilter is enabled [Nolar]
CHANGE: Torrent name shown with IPs in the blocked-IPFilter list [Nolar]
CHANGE: IRC and Tracker Web Pages moved to separate plugin [Parg]

BUGFIX: Files incorrectly shared if contents not a torrent when opening [Parg]
BUGFIX: Multiple shares of same resources causing problems (e.g. share contents+share contents recursive of same dir) [Parg]
BUGFIX: Fix for some discarded data due to occasional duplicate request [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for underlying socket handles not closing under linux ("Too many open files") [Nolar]
BUGFIX: First Priority rules based on time now work across sessions [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Freeze on exit under OSX [Gudy]
BUGFIX: Tracker status column sortable [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Fix for system clock changes stalling downloads: Bug #918193 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Individual file priorities remembered after Stop [Nolar]

16.03.04 | Azureus

CHANGE: WebUI plugin included in mainline (see
CHANGE: Much more reliable SF mirror auto-update handling [Nolar]

BUGFIX: Fix for loading .torrent files via web-browser/shell/doubleclick/etc [Nolar]

15.03.04 | Azureus

FEATURE: Show last time IPFilter list was updated in status area [Parg]
FEATURE: Support for "compact" tracker announce protocol [Parg]
FEATURE: Support for "key" tracker announce protocol [Parg]
FEATURE: Download Speed column in "My Torrents" turns red if below speed set in Queue config. [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Webplugin swing ui has status area with total ul/dl [Parg]
FEATURE: XML over HTTP remote plugin interface (initially to support GTS) - mail [email protected] for details [Parg]

CHANGE: All config/pref files utilize .bak backup files [Parg]
CHANGE: Option to limit outstanding disk writes and piece hash checks [Parg]
CHANGE: Can delete shares in QUEUED state [Parg]

BUGFIX: Fix of startup issues under Win95/98/Me [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Locale-specific dir creation [Parg]
BUGFIX: Hebrew language works now [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Fixed long load times under Linux of Configuration view and General tab [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Popup windows now center in main monitor on multi-monitor setups [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Fix for Pieces and Files views off-by-one row drawing glitch under linux [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Sort on Health and Availability now enabled [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Various memory leaks (DiskManager instances not being freed) [Parg]

08.03.04 | Azureus

FEATURE: QUEUED status. Torrents that are queued are stopped, but available for automatic starting [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Partial support for Read-Only data (for seeding) [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Added "Forced-Start" to force a torrent to start, ignoring download limits or seeding rules [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Auto-positioning of finished torrent based on how badly the torrent needs seeding [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Added Availability, Seeding Rank, SavePath, Max # Uploads, and Total Speed columns to My Torrents view [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Categories to group your torrents in (right click on My Torrents and select Set Category to get started) [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: More auto-seeding options [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Ability to limit maximum number of file handles open/in-use at any given time [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker - various performance enhancements such as announce/scrape caching. Tested to 500,000 peers on single torrent [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker activity logging to %azhome%/tracker.log [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker bytes in/out + scrapes recorded [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker - ability to limit number of peers returned [Parg]
FEATURE: Share ratio now shown on tracker web pages [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker/client support for "no_peer_id" spec for bandwidth savings [Parg/Nolar]
FEATURE: More plugin stuff - alert raising, ipfilter reloading, various other stuff [Parg]
FEATURE: Applet UI enhanced into usable state (start/stop/add/remove downloads) + auto refresh [Parg]
FEATURE: Added torrent hashes for G2 + ED2K (ala [ Parg]
FEATURE: Added colours to file view to show: grey -> requested; red -> data recently written [Parg]

CHANGE: Split torrents in My Torrents view into 2 lists: Downloading and Seeding (Completed) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: STOPPED status now means the torrent never auto-starts [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Moved icon from Rank column to Name column [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Removed Lock Priority.  No longer an issue since priority only gets autochanged once [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Remove "Lock Start/Stop" menu option.  Stop now means no auto-starting/stopping [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Re-design of Configuration view [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Language files ( are read in the following order: Azureus user directory, Azureus application directory, JAR file [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Remember sorted column and order for all views [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Core performance optimizations and major cpu usage reductions [Nolar]
CHANGE: User prompt when (1) tracker listens fails (2) incoming server port bind fails [Parg]
CHANGE: Config files/dirs and plugins now stored in OS user dir (Win: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Azureus\, OSX: /Users/username/Library/Azureus/, Linux: /home/username/Azureus/) [Nolar]
CHANGE: Tracker log now includes date as well as time [Parg]

BUGFIX: Once a torrent is complete, and you remove the data, it wil no longer start downloading again when seeding rules are on [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: 1st column of MyTorrents no longer has a gap if there's no icon. (Windows Only Bug) [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Fix for download stalls at 99% / 100% cpu usage bug introduced in 2070 [Parg/Gudy] 
BUGFIX: Fix for minimize/close causing the program to disappear from view under OSX [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for icon bar buttons not being flat (Bug #890166) [Gudy]
BUGFIX: More reliable .config and .torrent file save/load management [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Better handling of failures when performing "move on complete" [Parg]
BUGFIX: Handle torrent file names with trailing spaces and CR/NL (from Mac) [Parg]

02.02.04 | Azureus

FEATURE: Under Linux + GTK, added an option to setup a vertical offset to re-align graphics [Gudy]
FEATURE: SSL tracker client now gives option to import certificate rather than manually doing so via "keytool" [Parg]
FEATURE: Start All Downloads option on tray icon [Nolar]
FEATURE: Support for trackers that do not return peerIDs on announce [Parg]
FEATURE: Sharing - allows files/dirs/dir contents (recursive) to automatically have torrents created for them and torrents hosted
		 The shared resources will automatically have their torrents recalculated if they change (over Azureus restart) [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker allows number of peers returned to be limited [Parg]
FEATURE: Experimental UDP tracker protocol (see Config->Tracker->Extensions). Azureus client/tracker supports this, as does the XBT tracker ( [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker support for GZIP encoding [Parg]
FEATURE: Tracker support for multiple pages [IAmChrist]
FEATURE: Tracker pages skinable by placing pages in %azhome%/web [Parg]
FEATURE: Major extensions to plugin interfaces [Parg]
FEATURE: Simple Swing based remote admin interface (over SSL+password auth) - email [email protected] for details [Parg]
FEATURE: Click on hash in general view to copy hash to clipboard [Parg]

CHANGE: Azureus now identifies itself via User-Agent in tracker http communications [Nolar]
CHANGE: Less flickering, on all platforms (tested on both windows and linux+GTK) [Gudy]
CHANGE: Azureus now responds as Server: Azureus <version> in tracker http comms [Parg]
CHANGE: Unwritten blocks in Pieces view shown in red [Gijs Overvliet]
CHANGE: Prioritizing first piece of file(s) now optional in config [Nolar]
CHANGE: Confirmation on data deletion now optional in config [Nolar]
CHANGE: More intelligent announce url '&numwant=' handling [Nolar]
CHANGE: On tracker announce errors, retry interval now uses exponential backoff [Nolar]
CHANGE: Removed multi-port listening, as shared single port is far superior [Nolar]
CHANGE: More reliable .config and .torrent file writing [Nolar]
CHANGE: Tracker scraper now honors a 'flags: min_request_interval' response [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Plugins can be initialised from freestanding (not just in .jar file) [Parg]

BUGFIX: Problem with tracker not responding with "Connection: close" causing SSL session maintainance with HttpsURLConnection to stuff up and fail clients with "recv fail" [Parg]
BUGFIX: Fast resuming with Chinese directories: Bug #869749 [Parg]
BUGFIX: System tray icon re-shown after explorer.exe crash (again) [Rele]
BUGFIX: Fix for potential memory leaks [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for stalled piece writing [Gijs Overvliet]
BUGFIX: Fix for .torrent file data not being fully written on shutdown [Parg]
BUGFIX: Fix for OutOfMemoryError in DiskManager: Bug #865553 [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Fix for 'Open a URL' downloading of .torrent file which contains white spaces: Bug #878990 [Parg]
BUGFIX: Fix for Fast Resume with Chinese torrents: Bug #878015 [Parg]
BUGFIX: Fix for excess thread creation when tracker does not support single-infohash scrapes [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for hash checking 0-byte files: Bug #853126 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for opening files via Files tab when using MoveOnComplete: Bugs #860822, #878795 [Nolar] 
BUGFIX: Fix for 100% cpu usage after network disconnect/reconnect: Bugs #873957, #879498 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for downloaded blocks not being written to disk, due to write-thread stall under high load [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for various non-unicode torrent encoding issues regarding resume data [Parg]

19.12.03 | Azureus

FEATURE: Intelligent Tracker Checking: optimizes tracker re-ask interval for quicker download speed ramp up [Nolar]
FEATURE: Azureus can now run all downloads off one shared incoming port: only need to open/forward one port in your firewall/NAT [Parg]
FEATURE: Drag-n-Drop moving of downloads in MyTorrents; moving of downloads in MyTorrents with Ctrl + Arrow-Up/Down [Rele]
FEATURE: Password protected access to tracker web and torrents [Parg]
FEATURE: GUI Update interval is configurable [Gudy]
FEATURE: Images update interval is configurable [Gudy]
FEATURE: Auto sort on tables possible, interval configurable [Gudy]
FEATURE: MyTorrents view can now be customized (choice of columns and order) [Gudy]
FEATURE: Added new columns to MyTorrents : 'Share Ratio', 'Downloaded', 'Uploaded', 'Health' [Gudy]
FEATURE: Details view can now be customized (choice of columns and order) [Gudy]
FEATURE: SSL now supported for tracker web and tracker updates [Parg]
FEATURE: Added Drag and Drop of URLs [Rele]
FEATURE: Multi-Trackers torrents can now be created/edited [Gudy]
FEATURE: Menu option to force a re-check of downloaded data [Nolar]
FEATURE: End-Game Mode: Completes the last few pieces of a download faster [Gudy]
FEATURE: Attempts to download the very beginning of a file first - to support previewing [Nolar]
FEATURE: IPFiltering stats shown in status bar [Gudy]
FEATURE: Toolbar! [Gudy]
FEATURE: Logging of console output to disk [Parg]
FEATURE: Option to confirm on exit [Rele]
FEATURE: Bad Peer Detection [Gudy]
FEATURE: Inclusion of XSL stylesheed tag in stats XML file [Parg]
FEATURE: Editing and selection of tracker announce URLs from general view [Gudy]
FEATURE: Plugin interface for tracker web serving [Parg]
FEATURE: HTML template ( support for tracker web serving from %az_home%/web folder [Parg]
FEATURE: Opening a second torrent with same hash as existing download causes second torrent's announce urls to be merged into the first [Parg]
FEATURE: Option to not accept multiple connections from the same IP [Gudy]
FEATURE: Option to use the IP Filter list as an 'ALLOW' list [Gudy]
FEATURE: Super-Seed Mode [Gudy]
FEATURE: Pressing a character selects the next download with a name beginning with this character in MyTorrents view [Rele]
FEATURE: Option to move-on-complete only when data is inside the default save dir [Nolar]
FEATURE: Auto-import new .torrents from a chosen folder regularly [Rele]
FEATURE: Create torrent allows manual piece size selection [Parg]
FEATURE: New 'Activity' view (download and upload speed graphics) [Gudy]
FEATURE: Gzip encoding support for tracker announces [Parg]
FEATURE: Tray icon: added Stop All Torrents [Rele]
FEATURE: If .torrents are dropped in COPY state (with modifier key Ctrl under Windows), they will begin in STOPPED state [Rele]
FEATURE: Ctrl + [Home/End/CursorUp/CursorDown] moves selected torrents to top/end/up/down, "Del" removes selected torrents [Rele]
FEATURE: Ctrl + [S/R] stops/resumes(starts) selected torrents, Ctrl+Shift+S stops all torrents, Ctrl+A selects all torrents [Rele]
FEATURE: Option to backup .torrent files [Rele]
FEATURE: Option to play a sound on download finish [Rele]
FEATURE: Download Basket: TrayWindow always visible for Drag-n-Drop of .torrents [Rele]
FEATURE: Clickable Tracker URL in Details/General copies the announce URL into clipboard [Rele]
FEATURE: Tab hot keys: F6 selects next Tab, Shift+F6 selects previous Tab, ESC or CTRL+F4 closes current Tab [Rele]
FEATURE: Extended Plugin interface [Parg,Gudy]

CHANGE: 'Bind to local IP address' now binds outbound sockets as well [Nolar]
CHANGE: Status now shows when it is re-checking pieces on download completion [Nolar]
CHANGE: URL dialogs are initialized with the first valid link beginning with http:// from clipboard [Rele]
CHANGE: Under linux, only use ~/.azureus dir if it already exists, otherwise use normal program dir for files [Nolar] 
CHANGE: Auto-update: now writes a log to an 'update.log' file [Nolar]
CHANGE: Option to disconnect seeds when seeding is now checked by default [Gudy]
CHANGE: FilesView now shows files even in other states than Downloading (configurable) [Rele]
CHANGE: Updated/additional menu buttons [Gudy]
CHANGE: Some speed optimizations with piece-picking [Nolar]
CHANGE: Generated PeerID only uses chars that don't need to be escaped, saving bandwidth for tracker communications [Nolar]
CHANGE: Can now identify BitComet, TurboBT, LibTorrent clients [Nolar]
CHANGE: Support for both SI byte units (KiB,MiB,GiB) and more well known, but incorrect KB/MB/GB units via config Interface param [Parg]
CHANGE: locale choice can force prompt via new config param on "File" tab [Parg]

BUGFIX: 'Re-check pieces when done' now always ignores fast-resume data: Bug #825881 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix some decoding bugs in Chinese torrent files due to missing locale encodings in dialog box [Akilgard]
BUGFIX: System tray icon re-shown after explorer.exe crash [Rele]
BUGFIX: Completed downloads shown in different color when Stopped [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix possible data loss when moving complete files if not enough free space avail: Bug #855284 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for the incremental vs allocate choice in Config [Gudy]
BUGFIX: DNS lookups are no longer cached for ever [Parg]
BUGFIX: OSX: Hang when closing: Bug #824459 [Nhilep]

20.11.03 | Azureus

FEATURE: Added tooltip general support [Gudy]
FEATURE: Default torrent encoding selection added to Config->File [Parg]
FEATURE: Public tracker support - config item allows external use of tracker [Parg]

CHANGE: Full scrape of embedded tracker now supported as SN requires this for hosting [Parg]
CHANGE: Better peer client identification [Nolar]
CHANGE: Added AZ version + torrent size to stats [Parg]
CHANGE: Added 'comment' field to torrent create [Parg]
CHANGE: Moving of .torrent to completed dir now optional [Nolar]
CHANGE: Additional upload speed options [Nolar]
CHANGE: Cleanup of Configuration tabs [Nolar]
CHANGE: Rewrite of locale selection code for torrents. Only one encoding allowed per torrent [Parg]
CHANGE: File->Open... now opens to the default download/torrent dirs set in config [Parg]
CHANGE: ETA/TimeRemaining now uses just two significant measures, and "kB" changed to "KB"  [Nolar] 

BUGFIX: Torrent hosting - resetting of tracker url to original after hosting cancelled [Parg]
BUGFIX: Allow for torrent files with '.tor' extention [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Renamed file not reused after torrent Stop-Start: Bug #842750 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: No longer deletes files if the 'completed' dir points to the download dir: Bug #842896 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fast resume data no longer duplicated [Nolar]
BUGFIX: File 'downloads.config' kept better up-to-date [Nolar]
BUGFIX: % Completed is now correct again in MyTorrents view on stopped downloads [Gudy]
BUGFIX: Non-UTF8 encoded 'comment' fields in torrents not showing properly [Parg]
BUGFIX: Some dead-lock issues (especially on startup) [Gudy]
BUGFIX: Better recovery on connection closing [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Uncleaned buffers in peer handling code [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Outgoing message correctness verification [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Text scroll is now ok in irc view [Gudy]
BUGFIX: Size is now displayed even when the torrent is stopped [Gudy]
BUGFIX: Sorting by 'Discarded', 'Overall Down Speed', 'Stat Up' in Details view [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Torrent 'discarded' and 'hash fails' now remembered between sessions [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Corrected sorting by DownSpeed, UpSpeed, ETA in MyTorrents view [Nolar]
BUXFIX: Irc input text area gets focus correctly now [Gudy]
BUXFIX: On Windows bundle, systray4.dll as been updated to support chinese characters [evilcai]

13.11.03 | Azureus

FEATURE: Disable (per torrent) the auto priority setting when seeding [Gudy]
FEATURE: Disable (per torrent) the rules to start / stop a seeding torrent [Gudy]
FEATURE: Move files to a directory upon completion [Nolar]
FEATURE: Slowly establish new connections to peers (for those with internet disconnection issues) [Nolar]
FEATURE: Bind to local IP address [Nolar]
FEATURE: Export/import torrent file to/from XML file [Parg]
FEATURE: Export of runtime statistics to XML file [Parg]
FEATURE: Hosting of torrents using built-in tracker [Parg]
FEATURE: Trackers used in the 'make torrent' wizard are now remembered.
FEATURE: Embedded tracker [Parg]
FEATURE: Enhanced peer client identification [Nolar]
FEATURE: Publishing of torrents to tracker (as opposed to hosting them) [Parg]
FEATURE: Choosable color for the progress bars [Gudy]
FEATURE: Plugin support [Gudy]
FEATURE: Open a torrent file without using the default save location [Gudy]
FEATURE: Added a FAQ and a Donate link in Help menu [Gudy]
FEATURE: New languages : Brazilian-Portuguese, Czech, Lithuanian [Gouss - Translators]

CHANGE: Some GUI Changes, so that SWT WinXP theme is better supported [Gudy]
CHANGE: Saving of torrent files to central dir now optional [Nolar]
CHANGE: Checking after crash now remembers Fast Resume data [Nolar]
CHANGE: Internal refactorization of core classes [Parg]
CHANGE: More logging of reasons for connection closed [Gudy]

BUGFIX: Fixed snub/unsnub multiple peers on the peers list [Gudy]
BUGFIX: Save file dialog now opens as a 'save' dialog, and not 'open' (for OSX) [Gudy]
BUGFIX: DNS name resolution caching no longer infinite [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Better recovery checking of partially-allocated files [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Re-check file(s) integrity after completion [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Max torrent file size was limited to 1MB - limit removed [Parg]
BUGFIX: Fix for several exceptions thrown during socket reads/writes [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Fix for exception thrown when peer sends an invalid bitfield [Nolar]
BUGFIX: AZ was reporting cumulative upload/download stats to tracker - should be per session [Parg]
BUGFIX: Fix for handling single data files larger than 2GB [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Corrected socket writing [Gudy]
BUGFIX: Weren't sending "complete" event to tracker on download->seeding transition [Parg]