User:Holaw/General Delivery University

General Delivery University proclaims itself as “America’s only genuine diploma mill”.

Created in 1983 by Hugh A. Holub, editor/publisher of the Frumious Bandersnatch satirical newspaper, the GDU is a parody of “distant learning” and on-line education.

The GDU exists solely in cyberspace, and has no bricks and mortar campus. It also does not have a faculty.

There is also a print version of the General Delivery University Catalog available on

Originally one could buy a “genuine simulated parchment” diploma by mail from the GDU. However, the sale of printed diplomas was suspended when the GDU started receiving numerous requests for the printed diplomas from residents of India and Pakistan. “We were afraid there would be people running the nuclear weapons development programs with GDU diplomas hanging on their office walls,” said GDU founder Holub.

Visitors to the GDU via the web can obtain a “fill-in-the-blank” diploma if they can find the right page.