User:HostBot/Top 1000 report

This report displays weekly pageview totals for all articles that have appeared among the top 1000 articles on any day within the past week. It complements the existing monthly and daily popular article reporting provided by the Topviews tool.

This report ignores pages in non-article namespaces, as well as certain articles that are known false positives—no matter what their pageview totals. Expand the list below to see the current list of excluded namespaces and articles.

Excluded pages and namespaces
  • United_States_Senate
  • Main_page
  • Special:
  • Category:
  • Portal:
  • Template:
  • Wikipedia:
  • Talk:
  • User:
  • Help:
  • File:
  • %_talk:

This report makes a few assumptions that vastly simplify the process of calculating weekly views. As a result, it may miss a few articles that never quite made it into a daily top 1000 list, but nevertheless had a consistently high-ish volume of views over a 7 day period. However, this limitation should only impact the 'tail' of the report; you can trust that the ranking and the total weekly counts for the vast majority of the articles listed in the report are representative.

The Days in top 1k this week column reports the number of days (within the past 7, counting backwards from yesterday UTC) that this article appeared among the top 1000 most popular articles. This may be useful for discriminating between articles that are consistently popular and ones that are experiencing sudden traffic spikes.

The Total weekly views column reports cumulative pageviews for the article over the past 7 days, including daily totals for days when the article did not appear among the top 1000 most popular articles. Both of these values are likely to change daily, since this report represents data for a moving seven-day window of time.

The report is updated daily at around 15:00 UTC.