
— Wikipedian —
Pronounsshe/her or they/them
Country United States
Time zone
It is approximately 5:45 AM in this user's locale. (Purge to update.)

Hello! My name is Mackie (she/her or they/them). I've lived in Illinois my whole life, and in November 2021 I decided that it was time to start putting energy into improving my favorite resource online. Two years later, my activity may ebb and flow as my hyperfixations take me, but I've grown to call Wikipedia my home site.

In the grand scheme of things, I'm still fairly new to editing, but I've been an avid reader of Wikipedia since I was old enough to have unimpeded Internet access. I'm no longer on every day, but I try to check my account at least once a week -- if you'd like to get in contact with me, my talk page is always open for messages! Feel free to drop in and say hi.

On Wikipedia, I like to fix things where I can: I improve lead sections, copy edit articles, and fix broken and duplicate references where I see them. Lately, I've also been improving short descriptions where I think they can be improved. I also enjoy writing biographies of women and am semi-active with WikiProject: Women in Red to help address the gender gap here on the site.

Articles I Wrote
Article Title Article Status Goal Status
Lorna Burdsall c-class b-class
Helen McGaffey Searles start-class c-class
Margaret B. Freeman start-class c-class