
August 2017: Very out of date, but leaving it here for fun.


Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself...

I am DJ Hirko. I graduated from Full Sail with a Bachelor of Science of Game Design and Development. The design part is kind of a misnomer, as it's almost all about programming. Check out Ultimate Fairy Battle, which was my Final Project at Full Sail.

I'm a multiplayer/networking programmer for Volition, working on Red Faction: Guerrilla.

I'm always willing to help out other programmers who need a hand or those who are interested in the games industry, so if you need anything, leave a message on my UserTalk page or AIM me at Nihir Nighthawk. Even if you're just getting started, I don't mind helping.

I'm a hardcore gamer, both video and board/card. Many thanks to my friend Kyle for helping me fix my userboxes.