
Citizenshippost-colonial outlander - United States, foreign born.
Occupation(s)Scholar, Translator, Public Servant, F/LOSS Engineer, Raja Yogi, Street Musician
Known forresearch, writing, editing, translating, mural art, existential Aristotelianism, the organic method, public comment, posterior analysis,,

Welcome to the resume of my work-in-progress: a topical (though out-of-date) arrangement articles I've improved or created[1] This is also a proof-of-concept for high school and college reform; an exploration of natural philosophy, ancient wisdom, and experimental science; a course of self-healing from the various intellectual and moral illnesses engendered by certain basic errors in modern thought, accumulated alongside of medieval errors left uncorrected. Subpages hold reading lists, notes, original research, and curriculums for future projects or those in-progress.[2] In the living tradition of aristotelian scholasticism, and in honor of Mortimer Adler, editor-in-chief emeritus of the Encyclopedia Brittanica. We will starting with the Sun and Moon, our two most reliable sources, and foray into the many calendrical methods that civilizations have devised for measuring time, predicting the future, and remembering the past.

הבל הבלים אמר קהלת, הבל הבלים, הכל הבל: מה יתרון לאדם בכל עמלו שיעמל תחת השמש Vanity of vanities, says Koheleth, transistory vapor.[3] What profit hath man with all his labour, wherein he laboureth, under the sun[4]

Koheleth, son of David, king in Jerusalem, the first Encyclopedist

  1. ^
  2. ^ except for User:Jaredscribe/Russia studies, which is resume.
  3. ^ Everything changes!
  4. ^ under=without, sun=law (as the proverb says "the commandment is a candle the LAW is LIGHT") interpretation based on Rashi's commentary {without the law, the source of light}?