
My name is W. Jim Jastrzebski (where W stands for "Wlodzimierz", too long to spell, so I just use the middle sylable as a second name). I'm a graduate student doing my PhD in general relativity and trying to gain enough knowledge to be able to demonstrate to mathematicians, using their language, what I did in 1985 in plain physics, proving on the basis of the principle of conservation of energy, that the accelerating expansion of the universe is an illusion caused by certain generally unknown feature of Einsteinian gravitation (see my page Gravitation Demystified). My popular paper about gravitation Einsteinian Gravitation for Poets and Science Teachers is explaining physics of gravtiation without any math except for a short demonstration that contrary to the assumption of Big Bang hypothesis the energy is conserved also in gravitation. A one page paper that explains the whole Einsteinian physics to physicists though in an extremely condensed way is in Hubble redshift in Einstein Universe in PDF format.

In my earlier life I was a sculptor. I acquired my skills in visual arts mostly at The Art Institute of Boston and at The Boston Museum School in Boston, MA learning mostly from Vincent Ricci (a student of Malvina Hoffman) becoming after about 15 years of hard work a figurative realistic sculptor. Here are pictures of some of my sculptures and my article Teory of Art that is explaining why art needs an explanation as much as science does and why a beautiful piece of art (as Randolph Rogers' "Nydia") might be just a kitsch similarly as a beautiful piece of science (as the Big Bang hypothesis) might be just magic.

I started my adult life as a mechanical engineer (internal combustion engines) got converted into an electronic engineer (with MS in cybernetics) and then into a software engineer (real time software) before becoming a sculptor. My free time activities consisted mostly of sailing (on many lakes including Lake Champlain as crew an then as a skipper on Long Island Sound, Chesapeake Bay, Virgin Islands) and before that Motorcycle speedway (a few scratches on my face), judo, and fencing (foil).

Other wikis: RW, RWW

If you have any questions and comments please place them in discussion page. Jim (talk) 20:20, 30 April 2011 (UTC)