
Alpha Centauri system
Age6 ± 1 billion years
LocationG-Cloud, Local Bubble, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Milky Way
System mass2.130 solar masses + planets
Nearest starWISE 1049-5319 (3.6 ly)
Nearest planetary systemSolar System (4.37 ly)
Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B; Proxima Centauri
Known planets1
Known dwarf planets0
Known natural satellites0
Known minor planets0
Known comets0
Identified rounded satellites0
Planetary system
Star spectral typeG2V (A), K1V (B), M5.5Ve (Proxima)
Frost line≈? AU
Semi-major axis of outermost known planet0.04 AU (6 million km)
Heliopause≈? AU
Hill sphere≈? ly
Orbit about Galactic Center
Invariable-to-galactic plane inclination?
Distance to
Galactic Center
27,000±1,000 ly
Orbital speed? km/s
Orbital period? Myr