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Hi Karada, I dont quite understand why my article on SOAMatrix Software is being repeatedly deleted when it only provides very basic information about a company that has grown rapidly in just over a year. I see that content related to companies such as SOA Software, BEA Systems can have loads of pure and blatant marketing information but a smaller company such as SOAMatrix is barred from putting up basic information about the company! I hope you reconsider the deletion.

- J

Hi Karada -- Sorry about adding links to the same site from different Wikipedia pages! I was happy to discover that someone else must have added our site to some of the Wikipedia pages, and I was adding others that seemed relevant. In specific areas, I do keep seeing the same sites over and over; is this altogether prohibited? Anyway, many thanks for your understanding, and I shall steer clear of adding any more and will just leave that to other users! All the best!