User:Kayau/List of expressions related to death

This is a list of words and phrases related to death in alphabetical order. While some of them are slang, others euphemise the unpleasantness of the subject, or are used in formal contexts.

Expression Definition Context Remarks
To answer the final summons [1] To die Euphemistic
At peace [2] Dead Euphemistic
At rest [2] Dead Polite
To bite the big one [3] To die Informal North American.
To bite the dust [3] To be killed Informal Also means 'failed'
Beyond the grave [2] After death Neutral The preposition 'from' is often added before the phrase.
Beyond the veil [3] The mysterious place after death Neutral Originally used to refer to the 'veil' that hides the inmost sanctuary of the Temple in Jerusalem. Sometimes refers to just a mysterious place.
To breath one's last [2] To die Literary
To buy the farm [3] To die Informal North American.
To cash in one's chips [3] To die Informal, Euphemistic [1] This idiom refers to the counters in gambling called 'chips', which are exchanged for cash at the end of the game.
To come to a sticky end [2] To die in a way that is considered unpleasant Humourous British. Also 'to meet a sticky end'
To count worms [1] To die Euphemistic
Dead as a dodo [3] Dead Informal The term 'dodo' has been used as an old-fashioned or stupid person since the ninteenth century. Also 'dead as the dodo'.
Dead as a doornail [2] Obviously dead Informal Charles Dickens used this phrase at the beginning of A Christmas Carol.
To depart this life [2] To die Neutral
Done for [2] About to die Neutral Also means 'to be in a bad situation of which one cannot get out' [3]
Drop dead Die suddenly Neutral 'Just drop dead' is a rude way of telling someone to get lost.
To be fading away [2] To be thinner and weaker and close to death Neutral Also 'to be fading fast' or 'sinking fast'
Food for worms Someone who is dead Neutral
To give up the ghost [3] To die Neutral Also means 'to stop working' or 'to give up hope'. The Old English meaning of the word 'ghost' is preserved in this idiom.
To go bung [3] To die Informal Australian. Also means 'to fail' or 'to go bankrupt'.
To go home in a box [4] To be shipped to one's birthplace, dead Slang, Euphemistic[1] Often exaggerated
To go to Davy Jones's locker [3] To drown at sea Euphemistic Peregrine Pickle describes Davy Jones as 'the fiend that presides over all the evil sprits of the deep'.
To go the way of all flesh [3] To die Neutral Also means to come to an end. In the Authorized King James Version of the biblem 'all flesh' means 'all humans and animals'.
To go to one's reward [3] To die Euphemistic This phrase comes from the idea that people get their just deserts after they die.
To go to one's watery grave [2] To die of drowning Literary The death is referred to as a watery grave.
To go west [3] To be killed or lost Informal Refers to the sun setting at the west.
The Grim Reaper Personification of death Cultural A skeleton with a scythe, often in a cloak
To hand in one's dinner pail [3] To die Informal A dinner pail is a bucket in which a workman used to carry his dinner. See 'kick the bucket' below.
To have bought it [2] To be killed Slang
To have one foot in the grave [3] To be close to death because of illness or age Informal, sometimes Humourous
To hop on the last rattler [1] To die Euphemistic
To hop the twig [3] To die Informal British. Also 'to hop the stick'. Also means 'to depart suddenly'.
One's hour has come [2] One thinks he's going to die Literary
In Abraham's bosom [3] In heaven Neutral From the Holy Bible, Luke 16:22.
To join the great majority [3] To die Euphemistic First used by Edward Young, but the phrase 'the majority' is extremely old.
To kick the bucket [3] To die Informal One theory says that it comes from a method of suicide of the Middle Ages in which one stands inside a bucket with a noose tied around their neck. Once they kick the bucket, they are hanged. [5]Another theory is the kind of beam from which a pig is suspended, which is also called a 'bucket' in the Norfolk dialect. [3] Also 'kick off' (American). [2]
King of Terrors Personification of death Neutral
To lose one's life [2] To die in an accident or violent event Neutral
To make the ultimate sacrifice [2] To die while fighting for a rule Formal Also 'make the supreme sacrifice'
To meet one's maker [3] To die Humourous, Euphemistic Comes from the Christian belief that a soul needs to see god, its 'maker', after his life for judgment.
Off the hooks Dead Informal British. Not to be confused with 'off the hook' (no longer in trouble).
Not long for this world [2] Will die soon; have little time left to live Old-fashioned Also not be long for this world
One's number is up [2] One is going to die Slang
On one's deathbed Dying Neutral
To pass away To die Polite Also 'to pass on'
To pass in one's alley To die Informal Australian
To pay the ultimate price [2] To die because of something one has done Neutral Often applied to a moral reason
To peg out [2] To die Slang British. Also means 'to stop working'
To pop one's clogs [3] To die Humourous[2], Informal[3] British.
To push up the daisies [3] To die Humourous[2], Euphemistic[1] This idiom dates back to the early twentieth century. Also 'under the daisies' and 'turn one's toes up to the daisies, which date back to the mid nineteenth century. See 'to turn up one's toes' below.
To ride the pale horse [1] To die Euphemistic
To shuffle off this mortal coil [2] To die Humourous, Literary[3] Quoted from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Sometimes used as 'this mortal coil' to refer to the fact that one is alive in a troublesome way. [3]
To be struck down[2] To be killed by an illness Neutral Usually passive
Six feet under [3] Dead Informal Six feet is the traditional depth of a grave
To snuff it [2] To die Informal British
To take a last bow [1] To die Euphemistic
To turn up one's toes To die Informal An alternative of 'turn one's toes up to the daisies' (See 'push a daisies' above.)
Until one's dying day [2] As long as one lives Neutral
With one's last breath [2] Before one dies Literary
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Terry Deary, Horrible Histories:Wicked Words P.52-53
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Oxford Dictionary of Idioms
  4. ^ The Free Dictionary: Go home in a box
  5. ^ Terry Deary, Horrible Histories:Wicked Words, P.56