
Dr A G Hiorns

Anthony Hiorns, born 29th December 1961, is a senior research scientist at IMERYS. He is widely known in the paper industry for his expertise in paper coating. He has over 100 publications and has given numerous presentations at conferences. In 2010 he won the Charles W. Engelhard Medallion and Honorarium in the Coating & Graphic Arts Division of TAPPI Awards & Honors.

He achieved a degree and PhD in Chemistry at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Then in 1986 he joined the Research Department of ECC in the UK. He has spent over 20 years working there almost exclusively in paper coating research. Since 1996 he has presented his work numerously at TAPPI conferences, symposiums and seminars.

He is considered to be a world class expert on these new technologies, especially the metered size press. Tony has played a major role in the implementation of metered size coating all over the world. He has done excellent fundamental research on the subject and has been involved first hand in the development of implemented coating formulations. He has seen his technical developments through from the bench through to the mill.

Additionally, he has been involved with mathematical simulations, including blade geometry; fluid flow; light scattering; particle packing and neural networks. To compliment investigations into new technologies, he has helped to design, build and program several pieces of specialist measurement equipment, such as a dynamic gloss apparatus, gloss goniophotometer, a profilometer and an automated paper test laboratory system.