User:Loadmaster/Proposed articles/Star Trek music

Star Trek music

This article lists the major leitmotifs used in Star Trek (TOS).
It is modeled after the Star Wars music article.

The music of the original television series of Star Trek consists of the scores written for all three seasons between 1965 and 1968 by a total of eight composers: Alexander Courage, George Duning, Jerry Fielding, Gerald Fried, Sol Kaplan, Samuel Matlovsky, Joseph Mullendore, and Fred Steiner. All of the composers conducted their own music. Of these composers, Steiner composed original music for the largest number of episodes totalling eleven.

For budgetary reasons, this series made significant use of "tracked" music, or music written for other episodes that was re-used in later episodes. Of the 79 episodes that were broadcast, only 31 had complete or partial original dramatic underscores created specifically for them; the remainder of music in any episode was tracked from a different episode. It was primarily the decision of Robert H. Justman, credited as Associate Producer during the first two seasons, as to which episodes would have new music.

Some of the themes used are now widely recognized among television audiences, having infiltrated western culture over the last few decades primarily through constant syndicated airplay on cable TV stations.