
I'm back! I think. Had a multitude of real-life things to sort out, but now I'm motivated to return to Wiki-world. Maybe I'll become more active again, who knows :)

Hello fellow Wikipedian or random internet user!

I am delighted to meet you on my userpage here, although in fact I may be absent at the moment of your arrival. Please be patient, I'll be with you shortly! Have some tea or coffee while you wait,[note 1] and leave me a note on my talkpage.

This page will probably be filled with more info later, but for now I'll include a short (chronological) list of articles I've created, to keep track of them.

And while I try my best to properly source and edit, as a newbie, non-native speaker and plain old human I am prone to occasionally making mistakes. Feel free to correct them, and please do tell me in case it was something I should do differently in the future. I'd like to learn :)

And here's a tip on how to improve your (or my) writing on Wikipedia:

Another styletip ...

Italics for emphasis

Italics may be used sparingly to emphasize words in sentences; boldface is normally not used for this purpose. Generally, the more highlighting, the less effective it is.

Add this to your user page by typing in {{Styletips}}

Cite error: There are <ref group=note> tags on this page, but the references will not show without a {{reflist|group=note}} template (see the help page).